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More Swords, Scythes and More
Have you ever got bored of the vanilla weapons? Well I’ve got a solution for you. This pack contains new swords, scythes and ability items. Using ores and mob drops such as slime, redstone and lapis to make new items,
Redstone sword
Slime Sword
Lapis Sword
Redstone Scythe
Slime Scythe
Lapis Scythe
Jump Boost
Speed Boost
The scythe will do significantly more damage than the swords. The slime sword gives you 2 hearts of health extra but does less damage than most other swords. The slime scythe will give you 3 extra hearts and will do less damage than the other scythes.
To install this addon use the mcaddon download or download the packs individually.
TheMonoFire ®
Topic starter Posted : 27/07/2020 10:42 pm