More Tools Addon (Update!)
This addon brings 35+ armor type to your game, 20+ decorative blocks and 900+ new tools to play with. Feel free to enjoy these items in survival as you like. The goal of this addon is just to give you that vanilla vibe nothing more nothing less. Fully survival compatible!
Created with passion for minecraft bedrock community!
Check out my Youtube channel if you want 🙂
NOTE: If your doing a review you are allowed only to post this add-on page link don't hurt me with direct links to mediafire! HAVE RESPECT FOR WHAT I DO!
NOTE: You are not allowed to publish this on other websites or applications without my permission.
NOTE: You can't steal/reuse the code or textures in without my permisson!
NOTE: Enable EXPERIMENTAL GAMEPLAY in your world options in order to use this add-on!!!
Tools used: Code made with bridge. | 3D models made with Blockbench | Textures with
🇺🇦God bless Ukraine!🇺🇦
Update preview!
v5.4 Update | 10.08.2022 launched | 18.08.2022 page updated
I'm so sorry but I have big problems on my life right now, I literally have no time to develop this anymore, I still have lots of ideas that I want to add but I just can't at this point in time, so updates are still gonna be released as I get free time but slower for now.
Tungsten is rare found in overworld at Y level -45 and -60 | diamond like | weak in durability / better than iron.
How to get tungsten ingots from raw or ore variants
How to craft tools
How to craft armor
How to craft blocks
small fixes
I'm gonna focus more on updating the info on this page and the textures from the add-on cuz at the moment I don't want to add new things cuz it may break bcs mojang is updating the items behavior probably for a combat update or parity with java(my guess) I don't feel comfortable adding new things atm.
v5.3 Update! 15.07.2022
Texture Updated!
Maybe i'll make a separate RP with all the old OG textures of the mod idk maybe not...
Quartz, Blazed Quartz textures!
Ruby, Emerald, Lapis textures!
OLD(still updated recently but I didn't like the colors I choosed)
Page Updates.
updated battleaxe info section.
focusing on the apple one next.
I'm gonna focus more on updating the info on this page and the textures from the add-on cuz at the moment I don't want to add new things cuz it may break bcs mojang is updating the items behavior probably for a combat update or parity with java(my guess) I don't feel comfortable adding new things atm.
v5.2 Update! 29.06.2022
I'm gonna focus more on updating the info on this page and the textures from the add-on cuz at the moment I don't want to add new things cuz it may break bcs mojang is updating the items behavior probably for a combat update or parity with java(my guess) I don't feel comfortable adding new things atm.
Texture Updated!
Enderite textures!
NEW (I may revert the apple back depending on the feedback I get)
Peridot textures!
Enderite Block now emits particles.
Full set of enderite armor now emits particles.
Page Updates.
updated experimental gameplay options.
working on updating the battle axe section.
v5.1 Update 2! - 1.19 | 16.06.2022
Guys I'll never ever again update all the files from both BPs even if it breaks it is just to much.
Original Pack update for 1.19
Updated all the items for 1.19 in the Original pack, although I said that I'm not gonna do it, both packs(og+balanced) are now mostly working in 1.19
I did it even though I said i'll never add any new battleaxe.
Added Echo Battleaxe
When you right click(hold on the screen)(no need to shift+right click) it will do the warden Sonic Boom attack to the nearest target within 15 blocks also gives strength and resistance.
!!! Using the battleaxe in multiplayer at the same time on a player will cancel each one out !!!
Item OG Pack Damage: 48 Sonic Boom Damage: 19 | Balanced Pack Damage: 15 Sonic Boom Damage: 19
recipe(upgrade bench)
Added Amethyst Apple / Enchanted
Effects normal and enchanted golden apple with higher regeneration(both) and strength(enchanted)
recipe enchanted(upgrade bench)
Fixed more blocks not being able to be mined by pickaxes from the initial release of the balanced pack for 1.19.
Fixed tools on use sounds.
v5 - 1.19 Update! 10.06.2022
⚠️Sadly 1.19 broke this add-on, basically tool tags and right click functionality don't work anymore, so I have to add every block and remake the mechanics of the tools manually... wich is very bad so optimization is out of the question... please read the pinned comment for more info! Thanks for understanding!⚠️
So for now all I managed to do is the Balanced pack I also let in the scheduled balanced and original BP packs.
Warden/Echo is very hard to craft requires you to go in Ancient City for echo shards and sculk catalyst in The End for enderite ingots and in Nether for netherite ingots it's the best material in the game in both original / balanced packs.
The armor glows in th dark like the Warden(will not glow when enchanted)
How to get echo ingots(upgrade bench)
How to craft tools(crafting table+echo shard)
effects: strength
How to craft quartz echo tools(upgrade bench)
effects: speed, strength
How to craft armor(upgrade bench)
effects: resistance(full set of armor)
Fixes aetherium hammer recipe was not moved to upgrade bench
v4.9 Update! 28.05.2022
Added Netherrack Copper Ore
-but it will drop only the ore not raw material basically it's the opposite of overworld harder to mine in nether than overworld.
Added new section on this page about the 'Ore Generation Info'(work in progress)
Updated frozen armor and frozen tools(1.18.30)
-a full set of frozen armor will turn water to ice blocks(warning it is not meant to last forever you better walk fast)(but it can work for that to)
-snow tools will give Slowness V effect for 5 secconds on attack
Updated magma armor and magma/magma cream tools(requires 1.18.30)
-a full set of magma armor will turn lava to magma blocks(warning it is not meant to last forever you better walk fast)(don't stay in the middle of the lava friendly advice but if you want you can didn't really test that much)
-magma or magma cream tools in your hand will give Fire Resistance effect
Updated uranium armor and tools effects(requires 1.18.30)
-standing near a full set of uranium armor will give nausea within 7 blocks
-uranium tools will give Poison II effect on attack for 5 secconds
Updated soul armor and tools effects(requires 1.18.30)
-full set of soul armor will give Weakness II to all entities within 6 blocks
-soul tools will give Wither I on attack for 15 secconds
Updated soul textures(also the color now matches vanilla soul color palete)
Added new item soul ingot to craft soul armor and tools(recipe for ingot will require 9 souls in upgrade bench)
Updated soul recipes now armor and tools require soul ingots(smelt soul sand or soul soil)
How to get souls(smelt soul sand or soul soil)
How to craft armor/tools
How to craft block
How to craft apples
-steel scythe was missing recipe
-recipe for powered rails with rose gold ingot as an alternative to gold ingot had the same identifier as vanilla one.
-removed the warden test funtion for the upcoming items can still be optained with /give command (echo/warden)
-soul block will now emit light level of 4 in the dark
-all items from balanced and original pack can now be repaired with itself in anvil.
-features and feature rules from original pack were updated to better match balanced pack
v4.8 Update! 12.05.2022
Updated Armor and Apple section on this page(well mostly).
Merged Balanced BP and Original BP into one pack! Also in the balanced/nerfed pack you can test new upcoming features of this addon with this command ( /function warden_test_function)(mc 1.18.30 required)
-now it will import both BP versions make sure to choose in the world BP settings the one you want balanced or not!
Updated even more items from the original pack to be able to repair with itself using anvil.
Update? deepslate platinum ore was changed to stone variant only and its original Y level spawn was replaced by titanium (cuz i just found out that titanium is basically better than platinum)
-titanium ore spawns at -40 , -48
-platinum ore now spawns at Y level 64 to 112.
Updated Visinium armor texture!
Titanium is common found in overworld at Y level -40, -48 it's like iron but with higher durability in the nerfed/balanced pack.
How to get titanium ingots
How to make the block
How to craft tools
How to craft armor
Titanium Steel tools recipe(upgrade bench)
Fixed Custom sticks in hand render!
Fixed Upgrade Bench destroy particles!
v4.7 Update! (mainly balanced pack changes) 12.04.2022
Updated Sapphire textures.
Apples changes (nerf | balanced pack only)
-now all apples give the base effects of golden apple + one specific effect for normal apples and two effects for enchanted apples, except for soul/quartz/diamond/netherite/enderite these give more than one additional effect!
-apples with one negative effect will also have a positive effect except the soul variant!
Citrine apple = slow falling
Copper apple = nausea
Emerald apple = villager hero
Iron apple = resistance
Lapis apple = night vision
Onyx apple = blindness
Peridot apple = jump boost
Prismarine apple = water breathing
Redstone apple = speed
Rose gold apple = haste
Ruby apple = health boost
Sapphire apple = fire resistance
Steel apple = slowness
Soul apple = wither , nausea
Quartz apple = fire resistance , regeneration
Diamond apple = health boost, strength , regeneration
Netherite apple = health boost, strength , regeneration, fire resistance
Enderite apple = health boost, strength , regeneration, fire resistance, slow falling , speed
Updated the apples textures to match the new updated ores/ingots textures from the addon.
Changed the hue of copper and ruby textures a bit.
Updated more items to be repairable with itself in anvil(all items in balanced pack can now do it and about 40% of the tools from original pack)
Nerfed durability for all frozen, silver tools and armors(balanced pack only)
v4.6 Update! 04.04.2022
Recipe Update for UB!
Updated UI for UB!
Using the special ability for leviathan axes and hammers will take 15 damage points now (balanced pack only)
Updated steel textures to match the new updated steel ingot texture color!
Moved recipes for leviathan axe, hammer, scythe, karambit to upgrade bench!
Platinum is rare found in overworld at Y level 64, 112 it's like iron in the nerfed/balanced pack.(changed it to stone ore titanium took its place)
How to get platinum ingots
How to craft tools
How to craft armor
How to craft hammer
Updated the UI for Upgrade Bench to include a cute small recipe book!
v4.5 Update!
Gemstone Wandering Trader Addon (optional)
Trades example
Updated Textures
Cobalt is fairly common found in nether at Y level 30-110 iron like in the nerfed/balanced pack.
How to get cobalt ingots from raw or ore variants
How to craft tools
How to craft armor
v4.4 Update!
-Unbreaking enchant will no longer break durability 1.18.12!
-Some items can now be repaired with the same item in anvil still have to update over 1000 files for both balanced and not packs gonna take a long time(balanced pack only for now)!
-Updated textures topaz, citrine, sulfur, brass, hammers, emerald, lapis, steel-carbonized ingots (for more read changelog).
Smithing Table required - moved more diamond gear to be upgraded like vanilla
v4.3 Update!
Added new ability for leviathan axes right click = tree decapitator only for overworld logs
Smithing Table required
new netherite hammer and leviathan axe recipe!
Textures Updated
v4.2 Update!
Raw Amber is common found in overworld at Y level 60-80 kinda weak in the nerfed/balanced pack.
How to get raw amber
How to craft tools
How to craft armor
How to craft hammer
v4.1 Update!
Visinium is very very rare and found in the end.
Visinium Ingot.
Visinium armor recipe example.
Visinium tools recipe example.
you can use ender sticks in upgrade bench for more damage, a bit more durability and enchantability upgrade bench required
you can use quartz sticks for a lot more durability and damage upgrade bench required
you can use steel sticks for the highest durability upgrade bench required
v4 Update!
Enderium is very rare and found in the end.
Enderium Ingot.
Enderium armor recipe example.
Enderium tools recipe example.
Or with ender stick (Upgrade bench required)
v3.8 Update!
v3.9 Android Ore Generation Bug fix!
Lonsdaleite it is found in the end dimension very rare its basically diamond but with higher durability for balanced pack.
Lonsdaleite scrap
Lonsdaleite Gemstone
(can be crafted with Upgrade Bench as well cheaper)
Tools recipe
Armor recipe
New UI for Upgrade Bench recommanded for PC users! Use it with the RP
v3.7 Update! Requires minecraft 1.18!
Warning! don't play this add-on on minecraft 1.17 or below it may break the world.
New ore distribution for 1.18
Overworld distribution! example 24, -32 means from Y level 24 to -32
v3.6 Update!
Soul Sand and Soul Soil is found in nether.
How to get souls recipe example works with soul soil and soul sand!
Soul armor recipe example.
Soul apple recipe example.
Soul tools recipe example.
v3.5 Update!
Aetherium ore is found only in the end it is very rare.
Aetherium Ingot.
Aetherium armor recipe example.
Aetherium tools recipe example.
Or with ender stick (Upgrade bench required) (dagger recipe example)
v3.4 Update!
Jade ore is found only in nether betwen Y level 20-100 it is rare.
Jade armor recipe example.
Jade tools recipe example.
v3.3 Update!
Glass tools
Glass armor
Glass ingot
Glass shatered
Glass tools example shatered
v3.2 Update!
Uranium scrap
Refined uranium
Uranium ingots
Uranium tools
Uranium armor
These images are from older updates wich had to be removed in order to make space on the page, also i don't have all of them anymore these are what i managed to find in my PC and twitter.
probably update v3.1
maybe v3
2.5 that first version of amethyst armor texture is so bad :/
2.3 i think its magma armor/tools didnt find image.
2.2 or 2.1
v2.0 ??? 100k update 2 maybe?
v1.9 100k update 1 ?
v1.8? or lower idk lost images
no clue around v1.5?
v1.4 steel?
enderite from enderite mod came to more tools idk v1.3?
v1.2 100%
v1 100%
This addon requires Upgrade Bench in order to craft some specific items
3 x Iron Ingot, 3 x Block of Iron , 1 x Smithing Table , 2x Netherite Ingots
Durability meaning on this page.
High betwen 1500 - 5000 uses
Normal betwen 400 - 1500 uses
Low betwen 30 - 400 uses
UB = upgrade bench
how to craft echo ingot(UB)
coal+iron=carbonized iron ==> smelted=steel
ender pearl+eye+netherite scrap=enderite(gonna be moved back to UB soon)
copper+gold=rose gold(UB)
Other Items in this addon
outdated image!
Steel,Ender,Quartz sticks can be used in upgrade bench to make more powerful weapons!
Piglin Totem will protect you from piglins like gold armor
Cheese used for sandwich
MoreTools Balanced info!
Tool Sets
overpowered => weak
Blazed Quartz Tools (crafted model like any other tools in minecraft)
damage range: 16 => 6
durability high
recipe example(upgrade bench)
Enderite Tools
damage range: 15 => 12
durability high
recipe example:
recipe example ender stick:
Ametyst Quartz Tools
damage range: 14 => 10
durability high
recipe example (upgrade bench)
recipe example quartz stick (upgrade bench)
Quartz Tools
damage range: 14 => 10
durability high
recipe example:
Amethyst Tools
damage range: 13 => 9
durability normal
recipe example:
Magma Tools(fire resistance on hit)
damage range: 12 => 9
durability normal
recipe example (upgrade bench)
Magma Tools
damage range: 8 => 4
durability normal
recipe example (upgrade bench)
Snow Tools(slow effect on hit)
damage range: 8 => 4
durability low
recipe example:
Ancient Prismarine Tools
damage range 8 => 3
durability low
recipe example (upgrade bench)
recipe example mossy stick (upgrade bench)
Emerald Tools
damage range: 8 => 2
durability normal
recipe example:
Ruby Tools
damage range: 7 => 3
durability normal
recipe example Ruby ore can be found at Y level 18
Quartz Redstone Tools
Steel Tools
damage range: 7 => 3
durability normal
recipe example:
recipe example steel carbonized iron
recipe example steel ingot
recipe example steel nugget
recipe example steel stick
Slime Tools (items will stick to you if you right click)
damage range: 6 => 3
durability low
recipe example:
Redstone Tools
damage range: 6 => 2
durability low
recipe example:
Glowstone Tools
damage range: 5 => 2
durability low
recipe example:
Copper Tools
damage range: 5 => 2
durability low
recipe example:
Ore Generation
(same distribution for both balanced and original versions)
Dimension: Overworld
Vein Size: 1 - 5
Generation Level(Y): 14 to -63
Variants: Stone, Deepslate
Requires Smelting: No
Required Tools: Iron Pickaxe (not gonna specify this at the moment since custom ores can't be mined by vanilla tools at the moment)
Vein Size: 1 - 7
Generation Level(Y): 80 to 64
Variants: Stone
Requires Smelting: No
Required Tools: (none yet)
Vein Size: 1 - 12
Generation Level(Y): 48 to -8
Variants: Stone, Deepslate, Andesite, Diorite, Granite
Requires Smelting: Yes
Required Tools: (none yet)
Vein Size: 1 - 9
Generation Level(Y): 16 to -32
Variants: Stone, Deepslate, Andesite, Diorite, Granite
Requires Smelting: No
Required Tools: (none yet)
Vein Size: 1 - 8
Generation Level(Y): 122 to 64
Variants: Stone
Requires Smelting: Yes
Required Tools: (none yet)
Vein Size: 1 - 8
Generation Level(Y): 16 to -48
Variants: Stone, Deepslate, Andesite, Diorite, Granite
Requires Smelting: No
Required Tools: (none yet)
Vein Size: 1 - 7
Generation Level(Y): 8 to -60
Variants: Stone, Deepslate, Andesite, Diorite, Granite
Requires Smelting: No
Required Tools: (none yet)
Vein Size: 1 - 9
Generation Level(Y): 80 to 24
Variants: Stone, Deepslate, Netherrack (deepslate variant was disabled)
Requires Smelting: No
Required Tools: (none yet)
Vein Size: 1 - 10
Generation Level(Y): 160 to 72
Variants: Stone
Requires Smelting: Yes
Required Tools: (none yet)
Vein Size: 1 - 8
Generation Level(Y): -40 to -48
Variants: Deepslate
Requires Smelting: Yes
Required Tools: (none yet)
Vein Size: 1 - 8
Generation Level(Y): 30 to -24
Variants: Stone, Deepslate, Andesite, Diorite, Granite
Requires Smelting: No
Required Tools: (none yet)
Vein Size: 1 - 7
Generation Level(Y): 24 to -16
Variants: Stone, Deepslate, Andesite, Diorite, Granite
Requires Smelting: No
Required Tools: (none yet)
Vein Size: 1 - 6
Generation Level(Y): -44 to -60
Variants: Tuff, Netherrack
Requires Smelting: Yes
Required Tools: (none yet)
Vein Size: 1 - 7
Generation Level(Y): 64 to 48
Variants: Stone
Requires Smelting: Yes
Required Tools: (none yet)
Vein Size: 1 - 8
Generation Level(Y): -53 to -64
Variants: Netherrack, Tuff
Requires Smelting: Yes
Required Tools: (none yet)
Dimension: Nether
Vein Size: 1 - 10
Generation Level(Y): 115 to 30
Variants: Netherrack
Requires Smelting: Yes
Required Tools: (none yet)
Vein Size: 1 - 9
Generation Level(Y): 110 to 10
Variants: Netherrack
Requires Smelting: Yes
Required Tools: (none yet)
Vein Size: 1 - 5
Generation Level(Y): 80 to 20
Variants: Netherrack
Requires Smelting: Yes
Required Tools: (none yet)
Rose Gold
Vein Size: 1 - 15
Generation Level(Y): 115 to 10
Variants: Netherrack
Requires Smelting: Yes
Required Tools: (none yet)
Vein Size 1 - 18
Generation Level(Y): 110 to 5
Variants: Netherrack, Stone, Deepslate (deepslate variant was disabled)
Requires Smelting: Yes
Required Tools: (none yet)
Vein Size: 1 - 14
Generation Level(Y): 90 to 10
Variants: Netherrack
Requires Smelting: No
Required Tools: (none yet)
Vein Size: 1 - 8
Generation Level(Y): 70 to 20
Variants: Netherrack, Tuff
Requires Smelting: Yes
Required Tools: (none yet)
Dimension: End
Vein Size: 1 - 8
Generation Level(Y): 120 to 0
Variants: Endstone
Requires Smelting: Yes
Required Tools: (none yet)
Vein Size: 1 - 8
Generation Level(Y): 120 to 0
Variants: Endstone
Requires Smelting: Yes
Required Tools: (none yet)
Vein Size: 1 - 7
Generation Level(Y): 120 to 0
Variants: Endstone
Requires Smelting: Yes
Required Tools: (none yet)
Vein Size: 1 - 6
Generation Level(Y): 120 to 0
Variants: Endstone
Requires Smelting: Yes
Required Tools: (none yet)
Vein Size: 1 - 8
Generation Level(Y): 120 to 0
Variants: Endstone
Requires Smelting: Yes
Required Tools: (none yet)
Battle Axe Set
(special abilities when you right click)
Echo Battle Axe
When you right click(hold on the screen) it will do the warden Sonic Boom attack to the nearest target within 15 blocks also gives strength and fire resistance.
Damage: 45 / 15
Durability: 4500 / 3620
Effects: Yes / Yes
Ability Damage: 19 / 12
Recipe example(upgrade bench):
Iron Battle Axe
This items gives you 2 effects when you right click, strength II and resistance III.
Damage: 20 / 12
Durability: 1520 / 1520
Effects: Yes / Yes
Recipe example(upgrade bench):
Emerald Battle Axe
This items gives you 2 effects if you right click, absorption II and hero of the village.
Damage: 20 / 13
Durability: 2980 / 2950
Effects: Yes / Yes
Recipe example(upgrade bench):
Diamond Battle Axe
This items gives you 2 effects if you right click, speed II and jump boost III.
Damage: 25 / 14
Durability: 3325 / 3320
Effects: Yes / Yes
Recipe example(upgrade bench):
Lightning Battle Axe
This item has 3 abilities, will summon a lightning bolt if you right click within 6-7 blocks in the direction you are facing, will strike all entities within 35 blocks on hitting an entity and will generate a lightning storm if you shift + right click.
Damage: 28 / 18
Durability: 3925 / 3925
Effects: Yes / Yes
Recipe example(upgrade bench):
Blaze Battle Axe
This item has 2 abilities will put every entity within 25 blocks in hell cage if you right click, will create a fire ring around the player if you right click and will give you fire resistance on hit.
Damage: 32 / 15
Durability: 3845 / 3845
Effects: Yes / Yes
Recipe example(upgrade bench):
Ice Battle Axe
This item has 5+ abilities, will freeze every entity within 35 blocks if you right click, will put every entity in ice cage within 25 blocks if you right click, can shoot snowballs wich will slow entities if you right click, will give slow effect on hit, can bring the winter if you shift + right click, will allow you to cross over the water if you right click and if you go underground and use it with shift + right click in the cave it will transform the walls in ice.
Damage: 38 / 16
Durability: 3489 / 3489
Effects: Yes / Yes
Recipe example(upgrade bench):
Ender Battle Axe
This item has 3 abilities! Right click will teleport every entity within 15 blocks up in the, shift+right click will teleport the player in the direction he is facing and will teleport entities randomly on hit.
Damage: 40 / 17
Durability: 3625 / 3632
Effects: Yes / Yes
Recipe example(upgrade bench):
Netherite Battle Axe
When you right click it will throw one fireball and give you 3 effects.
Damage: 45 / 16
Durability: 4512 / 4221
Effects: Yes / Yes
Recipe example(smithing table):
● Ruby Armor Texture design by Twitter: Glicthey @BemCyber | big changes made by me.
● Aetherium Armor Texture design by : TheRealSpidey | small changes made by me.
● Onyx Block Texture by Twitter Beez @itisbeez.
● Magma, Slime, Glowstone Tools Textures from MoreVanillaTools | small changes made by me.
● Lonsdaleite Block/Ore Texture design by : SyKoSoFi | contribute here! | small changes made by me.
● Leviathan Axe Decapitator | code idea by Me and: Gravel Studios.
● Platinum Tools/Block Textures by Reddit: AppL Studios.
● Titanium Block/Ingot Textures by Reddit: NeighborlyFedora.
Hope you like the add-on!
update tungsten items/blocks/tools
Be careful, Warden is still here!
The resource pack applies to both packs balanced or original!
Installation details:
Check Out! My first attempt at making a boss(I'm bad at designing mobs and making animation, never gonna do a more mob/boss addon please stop asking in the comments! Have a nice day! He will defeat u all :P)