More Vanilla Mobs Add-on BETA 5
The more Vanilla Mobs add-on implements variations of animals for minecraft, a brief example are the chickens of the add-on cover image.
Leave your feedback in the comments and I will update it in the future.
My channel: Youtube
V4-5 update resources by Leandro
Please leave the credits!
Always download original link
* What was added types *
added 9 evokers
added 9 pilagers
added 9 spiders
added 9 strays
added 9 whiter skeletons
added 9 ravengers
added 9 skeletons
added 9 husks
added 9 dolphins
added 9 blazes
added 15 chickens
added 13 cows
added 10 creepers
added 16 zombies
added 9 evokers
added 9 pilagers
added 9 spiders
added 9 strays
added 9 whiter skeletons
added 9 husks
added 9 dolphins
added 9 blazes
My friend, your mod is very awesome, but when I use this mod, I can see the variants, except for the zombies. I use the version 1.14. ?