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MCPE/Bedrock More Wells (v.1.0)

Illustrious Member Admin

More Wells (v.1.0)

Have you ever wanted more wells in Minecraft? Anyways this behavior pack adds more wells to the game like nether wells, ocean wells, and more! Those wells generate with the exact same chance as the infamous desert well.


With this bahavior pack your world will generate with more wells based on desert well from vanilla Minecraft. Some generate with ice instead of water and some with lava, try to find them all!
Following well types are added:

  • Plains well - all plains and flower forest biomes
  • Taiga well - all taiga biomes
  • Acacia well - all savanna biomes
  • Mountain well - all mountain biomes (isn't tested in new 1.17 beta mountain biomes)
  • Ocean well - all ocean biomes
  • Snow well - all cold biomes
  • Badlands well - all badlands biomes
  • Cave well - underground excluding ocean biomes
  • Nether well - nether wastes, basalt deltas and soul sand valley biomes
  • Crimson well - crimson forest biome
  • Warped well - warped forest biome
  • End well - the end dimension

There are 3 pack options available in this pack.
Chance - 1/500 - Wells generate with 1/500 chance per chunk. (default) (as vanilla desert wells)
Chance - 1/166 - Wells generate with 1/166 chance per chunk, that is 3x more likely.
Wells everywhere! - Wells generate, well.... everywhere 😂!

Chance - 1/500 option is selected by default, if you want to switch the option, click on the gear icon on the pack.

This pack works on all MC versions above 1.17 including betas.
Following experimental features are needed for the pack to work! 


If you want to see some of the new wells generated, take a look at the screenshots provided below.





Known issues:

  • Ocean wells don't generate with waterlogged slabs underwater due to this issue. Upvote it, if you can please.
  • Mountain wells can sometimes generate in ice plains biome.
  • Nether wells seem to be slightly rarer than they should be.

Planned updates:

  • Birch and Jungle wells
  • Another type of well - treasure well

If you want to join our great community, get involved in development via polls/feedback or report any bug or issue, make sure to join our Discord Server.
This behavior pack is made by Studio IceCraft and restricted under this license. If you wish to share this content with others make sure to credit with link to this post!

Enjoy playing with this behavior pack! 🙂


  1. Go to the mediafire download page.
  2. Select file you want to download (.mcpack or .zip)
  3. Download it.
  4. Open/extract it depending on the file format.
  5. Make sure to enable Creation of custom biomes experimental option.
Topic starter Posted : 08/07/2021 9:22 am