More Wood Nether Edition (With Warts!)
This addon adds 10 new wood types to the nether, warts included!
To get help with this addon or to have a place to talk, join my discord server.
It's still in early developing, so it will gradually update and become better.
You can't steal the code in any way, but if you ask me in the comments or in discord, you can use the code as a template. You can include this in every private and public mod pack, but you need to leave credits.
This addon and the textures were created by ftere. Doshe and Dakish textures were made and suggested by thegoodshot on discord. I started with the idea of adding to Minecraft something needed, and I came up with this.

This are just some of the blocks in the addon.
I want to quickly say that the addon is WIP (work in progress), so it hasn't all the recipes or all the blocks or biomes that are planned for the final version.

The new 10 woods are:
Chloroeen (from the old more wood addon)
Yellowish (same)
Daywood (first version)
Nightwood (same)
Glacier (same)
Organ (same)
Dakish (new)
Ghostwood (new)
Doshe (new)
Moonriver (new)

For the warts, they have 4 stages:
Stage 1 1 wart dropped
Stage 2/3 different height hitbox 1 wart dropped
Stage 4 2-4 warts dropped
I added hellshrooms and the netherbrick flower pot too.

Hellshrooms change variants when hit by lightning.

You can get the empty flower pot by typing /give @p mw:netherbrick_flowerpot.
Skeleton stuff

Added dried skeleton and all the variants of bones, bone meal and bone blocks.
I will probably include this in the more wood addon with other types in a far future, and I will almost surely make a potion addon where the warped warts will be really important.
- 4 new wood types
- hellshrooms
- nether brick flower pots
- dried skeleton