Mossy Blocks
Hey all, ever wonder what its like to have more mossy blocks? Well look no further. I have everything you need right here. This addon adds on the much needed mossy blocks.
This adds over 65 new blocks to minecraft , all are craftable in the stonecutter using logs. i may change the recipe a little in the future. Just let me know if its something you would like.
Here is a list of some of the available blocks. (NOT ALL NAMED)
Mossy Acacia Log - Mossy Acacia Planks - Mossy Andesite - Mossy Birch Log - Mossy Birch Planks - Mossy Blackstone - Mossy Bricks - Mossy Crimson Planks - Mossy Dark Oak Log - Mossy Dark Oak Planks - Mossy Deepslate Bricks - Mossy Diorite - Mossy Endstone - Mossy Endstone Bricks - Mossy Granite - Mossy Jungle Log - Mossy Jungle Planks - Mossy Mangrove Log - Mossy Mangrove Planks - Mossy Mud Bricks - Mossy Nether Bricks - Mossy Oak Log - Mossy Oak Planks - Mossy Polished Blackstone Bricks - Mossy Prismarine Bricks - Mossy Quartz - Mossy Quartz Bricks - Mossy Spruce Log - Mossy Spruce Planks - Mossy Stone - Mossy Warped Planks


Creative Inventory

Automatic Installation
Just Download My Pack. Once Complete. Right Click The Downloaded File -> Open With -> Minecraft