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MCPE/Bedrock Much Harder Mobs Add-on

Illustrious Member Admin

Much Harder Mobs Add-on

Is Minecraft boring? Do you want a real challenge? Well, I have an addon perfect for you! This makes all enemies absolutely punishing to fight and makes the game a lot more fun!

This addon makes all enemies much harder and makes you always come up with new strategies to beat Minecraft, as walking in to slay some enemies with diamond armor might even result in you getting one-shotted.

Enemy Changes:

Zombie – Double attack damage and hp and have a lot higher chance to have armor or items.

Skeleton – Shoots arrows twice as often and have a lot higher chance to have armor or items.

Creeper (aw man) – 1.3x as fast, double explosion size and sets fire after explosion.

Charged Creeper – 1.3x times as fast, although nerfing explosion speed to 60%, but explosion destroys all blocks in a 16 block radius and sets fire. One-shots you even with god apples.

Charged Creeper explosion:

Stray – Absolute machine gun (shoots arrows 3x as fast)

Slime – Added 6 new drops including diamonds, but 5x as powerful.

Blaze – Shoots 6 fireballs at a time faster and sealing more damage.

Ghast – 3x hp, formula 1 fast and explosion is 3x more powerful. Requires you to have looting to get a ghast tear.

Wither – x2 hp, normal wither skull has x2 explosion size and gives the wither effect for twice as long and dangerous (blue) skulls deal a ton of damage.

Wither skellie – Holds iron sword, wither effect inflicted lasts for 25 secs and has 2.5x hp.

Guardian – 2x hp and damage

Elder Guardian – One-shots you with laser so be strategic and has x3 hp. Drops 1-3 Gold Blocks and is basically now a boss.

Pigman – 2x damage and broadcasts anger further

Iron golem – 3x hp and 2.5x damage with 1.5x reach length. Drops 1-4 Iron Blocks.

Enderman – Tp twice as much, deals 2x damage and has 2.5x hp.

Husk – Inflicts poison and has 3x hp and damage.

Witch – Throws 2x potions, has 300 hp and is basically a boss. Doesn’t drop anything special yet.

Magma Cube – Drops 6 new items but is x8 powerful.

Silverfish – Trash before so buffed hp and damage by 300%.

Additional Changes:

Tnt is more powerful

Arrows and ender pearls travel 1.5x faster

All fireballs are more powerful

For some reason creeper explosions aren’t affected by the “mob griefing” setting

I will try to continue to update this over time and edit the new mobs!

This is the first addon I made so please give feedback! 


Added Screenshots to the description of the Addon

Added “Additional Changes” section to the description explaining miscellaneous changes



Supported Minecraft versions


Topic starter Posted : 26/09/2019 5:12 pm