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MCPE/Bedrock Mythical Elemental Bosses & Spells Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

Mythical Elemental Bosses & Spells Addon


This addon contains all sorts of different spells and boss battles for you to fight and use, including a bitter Ice Spike Spell, Fire Spell, and a Toxic Spell. and there is also a Fire Boss, Ice Boss, and a Toxic Boss, all of them have craft able spawn eggs and after you kill them they drop their own spell for you to use! Have fun!


Craft the Fire Boss With This Recipe, kill him to obtain the spell

Craft the ice boss, and then throw it to spawn and then kill him to obtain the ice spike spell

Craft the toxic boss egg to throw and spawn him. Careful he will poison you so be prepared, and then kill him for his toxic spell.

creator: romandamodmaker


just click through the articles and then proceed by clicking continue

Topic starter Posted : 25/10/2022 3:23 pm