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MCPE/Bedrock Natural (Nature) Structures V10 (Extra Edition)

Illustrious Member Admin

Natural (Nature) Structures V10 (Extra Edition)

This is my first time using custom models/blocks so if anything wrong with the block's look (besides shadows) please let me know. This add-on suppose to compliment my Rocks+ addon so please play together. This add-on should add more life/flora to your worlds by using plants or by adding more structures that spawn naturally to your world. 

Every update I'll probably be working on a new biome.

Also chunkifying this add-on helps my sanity so I don't write these posts forever.

As of V1, it is the Arid Edition

As of V2, it is the Forest Edition

As of V3, it is the Tropical Edition

As of V4, it is the Flower Edition (Happy 2021!!!) I'm making this in 2020

As of V5, it is the Snowy Edition 

As of V6, it is the Swampy Edition

As of V7/8, it is the Dry n Wet Edition

As of V9, it is the Complete Edition

As of V10 it is the Extra Edition!


(Since this add-on focuses on the natural stuff of Minecraft it'll add vegetation and such.)

I've deleted some of the extra photos, so you don't have to scroll as much.

V10 Additions!

~ Added missing Pine Types (Stripped/Slabs)

~ Structures shouldn't cut things off or in half! (Most)

~ Oak/Birch Trees/Bushes shouldn't generate out of their areas!

~ Melon Stems are Craftable

~ Things don't look odd anymore (Changed rendering method)

~ Added Support for yBiomes, Bioplentia, and Plenty O' Biomes.

Addon Support (V10)

I've added support for many of the biomes within these 3 packs that I see fit. (Have No Affiliation) 

Starting off with yBiomes 

With Natural Structures


Steep Bayou






Poppy Fields




Pumpkin Plains



Lavender Grove


Extra Pine Stuff

All pine wood is now strippable! Just use any axe

Saplings Work too now (Have to use bonemeal tho)

Last 2 Biomes Mesa/Dark Oak (V9)

Still somewhat deserted

Roofed Forests (V9)

More of Life Quality Update

Drying Rack Multi-Functionality

  • Dry Leaves --> Dried Leaves
  • Dry Kelp --> Dried Kelp
  • Dry Rotten Flesh --> Leather

Bush Retexture

Different Generations of things!

Functions! (Give Respected Objects)


Don't like the flowers from V4? Just turn them off!

Go to Behavior Packs

Automatically On so you have to switch it manually

Still a V10 to come for bug fixes and Addon Compatibility!

Savannah V8/7

Starting with New/Retextured Block

Pine Wood/Branches Redid

Looks less old

Savannah Specific new blocks


Works exactly like snow layers 

Makes clay!

Dried Leaves / Drying Bench Rework


Savannah Generation




Dead Leaf Piles (Applies to Swamps too)

More varieties of course.

Ash Piles

Also Volcanic Rocks 

Use Basalt to turn regular rocks into Volcanic ones


Giant Pumpkins

Spawns Somewhat rarely in Plains and Savannahs

Jungles V7/8

I personally felt that jungles felt very empty on the ground and I added a lot of foliage to add to that. (Also Mud Patches)


The counterpart to the dried leaves we have alive ones you can spruce up any place.





Coconut Trees 

Big Melons

Swamps V6



New Blocks/Reworked


You walk slowly on mud, as well as animals, and mobs. Found only in Swamps, Can be smelted into bricks!

Drying Rack

You're New Way of getting Dead Leaves

How to Craft

Place it down and use it by putting any type of leaf to it. 

Wait around 15 - 30 seconds for it to dry out!

Interact with it to get 2-3 dead leaf piles!

Craft 2 together for 

Dead Leaf Side






Swamp Bushes

Mainly Just Oak Leaves With Wood or Mossy Cobblestone

Mushroom Clumps 

Generate here Naturally now (The preferred biome)

Big mushroom Clump

Mooshroom Islands V6

Just a lot of previous versions of mushrooms/the new big mushroom clump


Bug Fixes (V6)

Fixed Pine trees so that if they weren't in a Snowy Taiga or snow, it won't have snow

Both Icicles and Dead Leaves both drop nothing now

Bushes Redid

Name Fixes and Sound Fixes

Taiga / "Ice Plains" (Tundra) V5


New Blocks for Snow 

  • Short Icicle

Pine Trees!


Dead Pine Trees!

Pine Planks (Lighter than Birch but not as yellow-y)

Birch                          Pine

Only Planks for now (no slabs/stairs/fences etc)

Pine Wood/Branch


Pine Branch from 2 Pine Wood

  • Pine Cones 
  • Doesn't do much (Suppose to be fuel but that's broken)

Miscellaneous (Snow)

Brown Terracotta now spawns to add diversity in the ground.



Flower Forest (V5)

-revision from lol

So I redid the stems

And made a new realistic yellow flower / all the flower stems are changed to fence sized fences. 

New Mini Flowers (V5)

White Flower

Pink Flower Patch

There are Red/Yellow Mini Flowers

New Blocks! (V5)

Yellow Flower Blocks


Red Blocks

Pink Blocks

White Blocks

All Rotatable!

Crafting, Use the Stone Cutter with the respective petal block.


Flower Forest (V4)

New Blocks!


Flower Blocks

Flower Stems (I'm in 2020)


Red Petals



Pink Petals

Yellow Petals

White Petals

Stamen (Drops around 3-9 Pollen)

Pollen can breed Bees and can grow them up from being a baby bee very quickly!

Bee Hive Blocks

Bee Hive Block

 Honey Floor (2021 now) Drops 1 honey bottle

Crafting Recipes (V4)

Pollen to Sugar

Yellow Petal ( ONLY petal that doesn't use tulips)

White, Red, and Pink Petals ( All use their respective tulips)

Honey Floors 


Pink Flower

Yellow Flower 

White Flower

Red Flower

Medium Bee Hive

Big Bee Hive

Wheat and Beetroot will generate in Flower Forests Only

Bug Fixes

  • Cacti Finally now destroy when the bottom cacti break
  • Fixed some generation
  • Lighting Fixes

Beaches (V3)

Our third biome will be the Beaches/Oceans. I can't do much with oceans because they'll constantly spawn on land and leave random patches of water. 


New Blocks!

Seashells (First)

All except the Nautilus Shells can be crafted into bonemeal

Flat Seashells

Tall Seashells

Nautilus Sea Shell (Drops Nautilus shells)


Driftwood (Drops around 0-3 oak planks)

Beach Pebbles (Drops polished Andesite, Diorite, Granite)

Turtle Nests

Sometimes Spawns in Water for some reason

Spawns with Dead Leaves and sometimes dead coral

"Palm" Trees

Palm trees generate around the beaches as well as the random things on the floor. 


Of course more Variants


Coconut Tree


Gives you 1 1/2 hunger. 

Some Other Changes V3

  • Instead of having 1 light emission blocks now have 0
  • All custom blocks have their own sound!
  • Hopefully, Bush Hitboxes are fixed
  • Some placement changes.


Forests and Birch Forests (V2)

Our second Biome is the Forests (Excluding Flower Forests, They'll come later 😉 )



Starting with the New Blocks!

(Mushrooms technically already existed before but they're actually used)

Sticks Piles

Drops around 1-3 sticks, Spawns all over the ground where trees spawn! (Biome-wise)


Since I didn't have access while creating my Rocks+ addon, I decided to just add it to add more ambience to everywhere.

They drop new item Pebbles. Pebbles can be crafted into cobblestone or arrows or place back onto the ground. 

Rocks V4 

Throwable rocks/Does slowness to enemies hit

Wood Slabs/Variants

Drops 1 of each log types, currently not craftable

Mossy Logs (Used in Dead Logs)

Drops 0-3 Oak planks

Oak/Normal Forests

Dead Logs/Trunks

Variant 2 and 3

Big tree 

Definitely more Variants

Birch Forests

Variant 4

Red Mushrooms only generates naturally by itself in Birch Forests

Birch Dead Logs


Variant 1

Variant 2 (A lot of red mushrooms)



Birch Bush (Spawns in Forests and Birch Forests)


Oak Bushes (Spawns in Oak Forests Only)



I've Revamped Deserts because I thought they looked kind of odd with the blocky cacti!

With Rtx On (Cactus shiny)


New Cacti 

Variant 2

Variant 3 (No rtx lol)

Variant 8

Giant Cactus still here

Cactus Parts

Use Cacti to craft all Cactus related pieces in the stonecutter!

(Don't mind some of the textures, they're textured on all sides!)

Can only be put on Sand!
The rest of the Desert stuff is in!


Deserts (V1) (Old Cacti not in V1.5+)

So far in Deserts, I have added a lot of cacti!


Giant Cactus (Only appears in Deserts)


Dead Trees


Burnt Log


Spawns near these "Lava Pools" only in Deserts.


Dead Leaves(V6)

Dead Leaves Now spawn in large piles in swamps!

  • Makeable through the New Drying Rack
  • When broken drops nothing
  • Dead Leaf Sides can be crafted.


Dead Leaves(V5)

Tried to fix the texture of dead leaves by instead adding another block called the dead leaf side to help "round out" the leaf texture. Not implemented in Leaf Piles but is in the dead pine trees. 



Bushes (V7/8)

Drop Leaves instead of an entire leaf block!

Bushes (V6)

Spawn in Ones! instead of in 3 one!


Also now drops Bum_crops Seeds instead of the strawberry and chili. 



Bushes! (V4) Both Food Add-ons Work Together

Only if you have Lots More Food by Legopitstop it'll drop every single seed type occasionally.



Fungi V1


Craftable though




Credit to Machine_Builder for his FRG.

Credit to Blockbench for easy creations of the models.

Do not reupload this addon without permission 

If you want to include this addon please ask in the comments below and if you would like to modify anything please let me know!

I'm also open to suggestions on structures!


V10 Additions!

~ Added missing Pine Types (Stripped/Slabs)

~ Structures shouldn't cut things off or in half! (Most)

~ Oak/Birch Trees/Bushes shouldn't generate out of their areas!

~ Melon Stems are Craftable

~ Things don't look odd anymore (Changed rendering method)

~ Added Support for yBiomes, Bioplentia, and Plenty O' Biomes.


Delete Previous Versions if using a Newer Version! 

Or else it'll say duplicate pack detected. 

Always download the newest Resource Pack (RP) so you can see the blocks 

Download both packs and make sure there both applied. Turn on all 3 things for addons and it should work.


(Previous Versions are open just in case people are having troubles with current versions)


Topic starter Posted : 10/12/2020 12:27 am
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 18/05/2021 11:52 am