Nature Expansion v3 Roofed Forest Update
This addon, although its main characteristics are the dynamic trees, it also brings new animals such as squirrels or birds.
Also extra trees to expand nature.
These naturally generated trees are not entities and do not use animation controllers so that they are compatible with other addons.
Nature Expansion v2
Perhaps you have dreamed of more realistic trees in bedrock because natural expansion is for you
These naturally generated trees are not entities and do not use animation controllers so that they are compatible with other addons
Suggestions errors news all that and much more in discord ( )
(try to greet when entering)
special thanks to MALKE for exporting the structures ancient
Narture expasion:

Snowy fir forest


Spruce forest


Roofed forest


this addon adds new mobs and realistic trees to our world and new physics in the trees you must cut down the last block in survival to make it work
the branches if you cut down a branch there is a possibility that they release a stick and they also have some "physics"


nice friendly you can give an acorn of oak or oak black and this will give you a reward that varies between:
rotten potato
zombie meat
a stick
a beet
and rare a golden carrot or 3 chorus fruit
they are pretty they release eggs and generate ambient sounds 5 different colors

Known bugs
-broken mushrooms
this is because i cannot eliminate vanilla fungi and they collide with new ones
-spruce taiga mutated
there are long spruce trees in spruce forests that are not dynamic this is because it cannot be eliminated either
direct links !!
-The fir generation was modified
-the oak generation was modified
-The generation of birch was modified
-The generation of the sakura was modified
-The generation of the swamp was modified
-Birch with bee was added
-The generation of the trees with bees was modified to coincide with vanilla
-the addon was optimized more
-sakura leaves are now squared
-The sakura grass was retexturized for a better visual appearance
-seeds were rexteturized
-the food was retexturized
-the mechanics of the coconut seed were changed
-A new crafting has been added to the ministone decoration
-added your descrafting
-All the blocks were added to the inventory except the magic one
-A coconut ax was added
-I added the coconut lumberjack ax
-the model of the bird was fixed
-the birds no longer fly around
-squirrels were added
-The loot was modified to make it more fair
-the generation of all trees was improved
-Trees are generated in plains on small scales
-the roofed forest tree was added
-betul was reduced from 6 styles to 3 due to lag
-The coconut was added, split in half
-A new dark acorn was added
-The placement of coconut stairs was fixed
-dynamic red mushroom was added
- brown fungus was added
-new dynamic mushroom outbreak was added
-now spawn decorative stones correctly
-Now the swamps are generated correctly
-Spruce was added to the snowy mountains of Las Caves and Cliff
-It improved the AI of the birds
-Trees with nests were added
-bird eggs were added
-Lotus flowers were added to the swamps
NOTE: now in 1.16.210 you must activate all the experimental options first and then put the addons or you will have failures.
to download on the page you must go to the download section
1.16.100+, 1.17.40,1.17.41.....and for those who come