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MCPE/Bedrock Nature++ V2.0 | Ferous Jungle Update

Illustrious Member Admin

Nature++ V2.0 | Ferous Jungle Update


Hi , I'm MegablueCDA and I made this addon . It adds a lot of nature elements to minecraft with vanilla style !

Are included :

  • 22 new animals
  • 3 custom trees
  • 6 new types of vegetation



These horned animals spawns at Taigas and forests . They will horn you if provoked .


A wild pig that lives in plains and forest . They will try to kill everything that provoke them .


A sneak reptile with a poisonous bite . You can find them in almost every biomes . They can climb blocks .


This jungle lizard can solve your problems with insects by eating them . You can tame them using a spider eye . They will attack you once hurtted first .


A small rodent which lives in plains . It can be tamed with any type of vegetable .

Grizzly Bear

It has a lot of strong and can kill a human eazily . They don't like to be disturbied . You can see these bears in taiga . you can feed them some fish if you are brave enough . Babys can be tamed by feeding them salmon .



The land specie of turtle . It is passive and flee when attacked .


Colorful creatures that spawns everywhere . They fly around the world and sing . They love seeds .



A large big cat wich lives in bamboo jungles . They will attack almost everything that moves , players are included . Feed a baby with a raw beef and it will become your friend . The stronger big cat of the addon . It has a rare white variation and a very rare tabby mutation .


Lion & Lioness

A large big cat wich lives in savannah . They will attack almost everything that moves , except females . Feed a baby with a raw beef and it will become your friend . 2nd stronger big cat of the addon . Has a very rare albino mutation

Lion females wich lives in savannah . They will attack almost everything that moves , except another lioness & lions . Feed a baby with a raw beef and it will become your friend . Weaker than a male . Has a very rare albino mutation




A large big cat wich lives in jungle . They will attack almost everything that moves , players are included . Feed a baby with a raw beef and it will become your friend . 3rd stronger big cat of the addon .


A medium big cat wich lives in jungle . They will attack almost everything that moves , players are included . Feed a baby with a raw beef and it will become your friend . 4th stronger big cat of the addon .


Agressive fish wich attack everything which enter in the water . They are speedy in water and can arrive to their victims quickly . Beware entering in jungle rivers . Once killed they will drop raw piranha which can be cooked to be eated .

Raw piranha being cooked


Small playfull creatures . You will probally see them on the jungle trees' top . You can tame one using a banana


Large apes wich defends their territory at jungles . You can tame a baby by giving it a banana . They have a rare albino mutation . They will attack once provoked


A large orange ape . Live pacifically at bamboo jungle , but they can hit back everybody who hurt them .


Colorful creatures that spawns in almost everywhere . They fly around the world and sing . They love seeds .


A tiny mammal wich rooms into jungles and assume a T-Pose when endagered .

Giant Anteater

This medium-sized animal is the best way to solve the bug problem, they eat ants at jungles and can kill a lot of them


Worky insects cappable to destroy leaves and take them to the ant house . Can be captured with a insect jar .


Agressive Poisonous Insects . Beware were you step . Can be captured with a insect jar .


The most iconic and the bigger rodents . Capybaras spawns at mangroove swamps and will often swim .



Flowers / Vegetation

Sparkle Flower (fictional)




Terrain Flowers & Mushroom Stack



*Every tree has it's respective sapling


Banana Tree

*banana leaves drops bananas

Coconut tree



 All blocks/items :





⚠️ duo to 1.20.30 trees and flowers aren't spawning naturally

Supported Languages

▪︎🇧🇷 , 🇺🇸 , 🇵🇹


▪︎Project Support : you , who download the addon

▪︎Models , textures and animation : MegablueCDA

▪︎Codes : MegablueCDA

▪︎YT : MegablueCDA


▪︎Make your showcase video with this link and credits

▪︎Modify the addon for personal use

▪︎Use codes to study

▪︎Get inspiration on addon models 


▪︎Make showcases with another link or/and not giving credits

▪︎Post modified versions of the addon

▪︎Steal codes,models,textures & animations

▪︎Publish the addon in another app/site




Change Log V2

  • 12 new animals were added : capybara , giant anteater , tamandua ,ant , tarantula , jaguar , panther ,  monkey , gorillas , orangutans ,parakeets and piranha
  • 3 new custom trees : palm , banana and coconut
  • 6 new types of vegetation


  1. Access the link
  2. Follow the shortner instructions
  3. Download the archive
  4. Upload to minecraft
  5. Set your creativity free !

⚠️ Lite versions have no sounds and are lighter


Topic starter Posted : 26/12/2023 1:41 pm