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MCPE/Bedrock NeoBlocks Mod Update 1.2

Illustrious Member Admin

NeoBlocks Mod Update 1.2

The Mod is back. Welcome to NeoBlocks and the world is different after the World Between Worlds collided with Minecraft. Lightsabers are now in 3D models and new ideas are being produced. Being Jedi or Sith, these lightsabers will help achieve your goals. May the force be with you, whichever side ur part of.


NeoBlocks Version 1.2 Introduces new lightsabers hilts such as:

  • Guardian Hilt
  • Katana Hilt
  • Lightcross Hilt

And something from an old world came down to NeoBlocks, The Darksaber, Returns after falling and 15 hours of rendering. Also new models for the Basic and Gold DoubleSaber hilts have arrived too.

New lightsabers have be found by Plo Koon and Ahsoka Tano, Orange and White have became optional styles for lightsabers.

A new system has been added for the Lightsabers. Lightsaber IDs have been added for easy access for commands. Such as “/give @a blu_001” and it will give you a Blue Basic Saber.

How to create Lightsabers:

We will look at how to create basic hilt lightsabers, if you want all recipes get them on NeoBlocks Website down below for this mod.

To get a basic lightsaber you must create a Lightsaber Blueprint first, these blueprints need 4 papers in a shape of a star and a glowing ink sac in the middle.

Once you have created the blueprint now you must have these materials, 2 Raw iron, 4 iron ingots, 1 redstone dust, and 1 redstone repeater. Once all materials are achieved put them in the crafting table like the recipe below which should make a basic hilt.

Once you have the hilt now you need a crystal, if you’ve played the previous mod, Lightsaber Finale, you will know how to get an empty kyber crystal, the way you can get an empty kyber crystal is to burn a diamond in a blast furnace.

As of right now there are only 5 colors that are listed above, most recipes are exactly from the Lightsaber Finale mod, Blue needs Diamonds, Red needs Redstone, Green needs Emeralds, Yellow needs Gold Ingots, and Purple needs Amethyst. The way to create colored kyber crystals is to have the empty crystal in the middle, blaze powder at the bottom, and the material for the color at the top.

Now you have a Hilt and Crystal, to put them together you must have the Hilt, the Crystal, and a Blaze Rod then put them together like the recipe below.



  • Added Guardian Hilt & Lightsabers
  • Added Katana Hilt & Lightsabers
  • Added Lightcross Hilt & Lightsabers
  • Added Darksaber Hilt & Lightsaber
  • Updated Basic and Gold Double Models
  • Added Orange And White Kyber Crystals & Lightsabers


To download this mod you should use my Google Drive link. Make sure you are using a personal account and not a school one as they will block access to the file.

Topic starter Posted : 27/03/2022 2:24 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 29/04/2022 12:37 pm