[NEW] Auto Build Mansion NBT Script
Too lazy to build a mansion? Well why not spawn one in your world! This Instant Build Mansion NBT Script is the perfect choice for anyone who more easily want to add buildings to their worlds.
How to Spawn This Mansion?
First Download the NBT Scripts (This NBT Mansion Actually comes in 2 part)
Then Import it in Toolbox
Then open toolbox and join any world
Turn on NBT Editor And Spawn The Mansion!
If you don't know how to import it in toolbox or want the full tutorial you can watch this video
This video has everything that you need to know.
Here's Some Screenshots

I have used a utility client called "Toolbox" to spawn this Mansion
if you are interested in checking out Toolbox
Toolbox is a launcher/modification for Minecraft: PE (MCPE) that allows you to give yourself items (just like in the popular Too Many Items modification)
If you face any problem you can comment here or in my videos. I'll try to fix it asap.
Download link is in linkvertise, click on the read articles button and wait for a few seconds for the download link to open.
creator: https://twitter.com/MrPokeG