Mutant Creatures Bedrock Add-on (1.21.X)
Mutant Creatures Add-on adds 30 mutants remastered(almost) in any way possible, with additional mobs, and includes some easter eggs(if you can guess them) in Minecraft Bedrock with unseen powers... If you are looking for an add-on to increase the game difficulty a few notches then this is a great option. This is based on the original creator's Mutant Creatures/Monster Mod from Java Edition so go check that out first. (Quick shoutout to JWolf and Rhex for helping me out with scripting)
All Credits to shcott21 Mutant Creatures Mod, Mutant Monsters Mod
This add-on is only meant for sites that are trustworthy, not allowed to be published on other sketchy sites or applications. Ask for permission first unless you want it to be taken down, and I will find you... I'm a-okay with YouTube videos 🙂
Mutated Creatures:
There are currently 29 mutants added to this addon:
Mutant Zombie: Ah the star, the icon from the original mod on java. Basically a buffed-up version of the ordinary zombie. It's able to send a shockwave with its smash attack, throw its enemies up in a air and send them falling down, and even roars so loud to wake up zombies around it.

Mutant Husk: Basically a buffed-up version of the ordinary zombi- I mean husk. Its just like a mutant zombie but loves to live in the desert.

Mutant Zombie Villager: Ah this one.. The same as the mutant zombie, but a villager type and holds something special if being defeated.

Mutant Drowned: A zombie but with its own trident, in the deep seas, lurking underwater... I see what is up now.. It swims extremely fast in the deep sea, And that trident is really a threat to anything that it hates.

Mutant Lobber Zombie: Originally a lost media mob from Minecraft Earth but found an opportunity. It throws its poison flesh at enemies until they get close. Apparently its own kind of zombies will rise after itself got knocked.

Mutant Bouldering Zombie: Another mob originally from Minecraft Earth but now is lost media but again found an opportunity. Its big arms can be used to climb on blocks just like a spider but far worse. Apparently its own kind of zombies can rise after getting back up.

Mutant Skeleton: This mutant became the master of archery with their own special arrow that will pierce through mobs that makes contact with it. It comes with ways to defend itself whenever its target comes up close. They say that there bones will scatter around uppon being defeated.

Mutant Stray: This mutant.. Hm.. you look familiar.. It has the masters of archery with a pointy ice as an arrow?! That could pierce through mobs with its high accuracy. It could even cause its target to get slowed.

Mutant Wither Skeleton: Oh brother, where do I even start. Its more frightening besides than its Duel Swords. This mutated beast is even more dangerous than a normal Mutant Skeleton, it can even act like a wither sometimes. They say that its one of the most dangerous mobs in the Nether, but thankfully its spawn rate is very little.

Mutant Bogged: This mutant.. Hm.. a new one to the family making it a full squad.. It has the masters of archery, I think? With a its poison tipped arrow too? It can pierce through mobs with a poison surprise so fast but how good is it with its accuracy? It loves to live in the swamp.

Mutant Creeper: The four legged beast, with a crooked neck just makes it look so similar to a spider, but a bit scarier. It can cause much greater explosions, and heals itself from any type of explosion! And try to escape from its death.

Mutant Enderman: Oh man.. Its not itself when it screeches.. A powerful mutated beast mostly found in The End! This beast isn't like one of those Endermans. Instead, it is able to pickup any blocks and throw them at anything it hates. From danger, it plays a role and spawn in clones, and pretends be one of them. If anything that it also hates, its also water. Any contact with rain or water deals takes damage like normal but not every second. Its able to control the weather if the rain bothers it by a single screech. The bright side, its remains neutral.

Mutant Villager: Hm.. it looks like a mutant zombie, but this time they got something to defend itself or even the village. It can hold 3 weapons with one being a sword, one being a battle axe, and its own type of a crossbow. Most of time they will use their fist to defend. I heard they got useful items or weapons for trading.

Mutant Iron Golem: Hm.. it looks completely different.. Known as "GRUG" from some user, a war machine golem that is nothing like you have ever seen. It doesn't spawn naturally but instead it's a gift. It can withstand multiple mutants at once with its melee attack combos, range attack, and even a special ability it holds on... Did you know it can be upgraded too? Just need a block of gold, diamond, emerald, and netherite for the best! If its down, a block of redstone will be back to function again!

Mutant Snow Golem: At least it doesnt throw snowballs this time. Its more of a stronger version of Snow Golem, almost like a Iron Golem. Its whole body is too cold that if can even freeze the water and can casually walk on it. I wonder whats under that pumpkin.

Mutant Vindicator: The first mutant as part of the illagers, Hold a giant battle axe at anytime and can be lethal at its enemies. It kinda acts like a zombie sometimes pretending to be knocked.

Mutant Evoker: Yea don't mess with this one.. A powerful mutant that acts like a boss.. WHICH IT IS. It can summon waves of fangs, vexes, and even a strong attack. Like every other evokers that runs away, This one is not afraid.

Mutant Pillager: Oh wait.. 2 crossbows am I seeing and not one?!?.. And wears boots too?? It just like to play sometimes by kicking anyone around trying to give them a chance, once it has its time it pulls out that dual crossbows and goes mad with it. Hopefully gets tired soon..

Mutant Vex: A scary mutant that can be only summoned by Mutant Evoker. It can block range attacks at a certain time and cant be escaped from. It only has a lifespan for 45 seconds after being summoned.

Mutated Evoker Fangs: Yea goodbye.. This is a strange type of mutant has a rare chance of being summoned by Mutant Evoker. It can dig underground leaving no trace behind and can sneak enemies up by surprise...It kinda looks like Wojira from something..

Mutant Piglin: Another beast that could hold either a Crossbow or a Sword. It seems to be neutral that's if a player wears full gold armor. It loves the smell of gold, and not afraid at all that makes normal piglins get scared of.

Mutant Piglin Brute: Right away its more of a threat in the nether, anything that it sees will attack, and its special golden battle axe has a special role.. At least it doesn't spawn commonly

Zombifed Mutant Piglin: One of those neutral mutants that live in the nether. It can even walk on lava when it feels like it and with its golden sword, its dangerous. Does it mean using flint and steel can finish it off? Its a mutant that walks on lava, so I don't think so... Yet... Where did this Pigman come from? That makes 2 mutants.

Mutant Wolf: Hm.. Its slightly larger than before, like a bear, but more serious with its sharp claws. Like a normal wolf, there are up to 9 variants and can even wear a wolf armor for extra protection. It loves to eat food and happens to scavenge them.

Mutant Skeleton Wolf: Oh poor Grim.. It's originally was a lost media mob from Minecraft Earth but another hope was found. It mostly leaves in the nether and seems dangerous. It maybe possible to be tamed and has a habit of enjoying rotten flesh.. Strange..

Mutant Ocelot: Hm.. it looks completely different. Like a strange leopard, bobcat, and tiger but as one mutated beast. One of the fastest mutants alive that can outrun anything, even its prey. Apparently it likes to scavenge food leaving nothing behind.

Mutant Axolotl: ... It looks cute out of all the mutants around. It lives in lush caves but rarely found. It has a pointy tail can be used as weapon.. I think it needs a new look.

Mutant Endolotl: This is interesting.. A enderman, and a axolotl too as one, its part of a icon from a popular server. It loves to fly to much just like a phantom, and seems to have interest with Chorus Fruit. Is it passive though? No..

Mutated Spider Pig: A spider and a pig, together totally NOT Spider-Man. Just a mutated creature who has a interest with pigs and spiders. When up close it it uses spiderwebs all around that area so no prey can escape.. For an odd reason any pigs or spiders victims mutates to Spider Pig..

Easter Eggs can be found within this Add-On. It could be mutants that are like the Classics from previous versions, Mutants that are game character references, and Even Mutants that are Youtubers!

Chemical X: The potion that affects mobs to turn into mutants with a 50% chance of succeeding and the other... Well, it was worth a try. It can be craftable and brewable with water bottle and some obsidians.
Hulk Hammer: a weapon that can be found from mutant zombies... "As of now, it doesn't have any abilities, so for now or could be permanent, it can be enchantable".
Endersoul Hand: A craftable item with one eye of ender and 4 endersoul fragments. It currently has two abilities as of now, with one being able to teleport any blocks in range by sneaking, and second throwing blocks anywhere. "This isn't final. I will still find a way to make it pick up blocks and throw. This is just temporary since I'm still new to scripting".
Endersoul Fragment: A craftable item that can be dropped from a Mutant Enderman's explosion.
Creeper Egg: An item that can be found from a Mutant Creeper's death, it can be pickup and stored in inventory for later use. It can hatch into a baby creeper if you let it hatch, but will take a few Minecraft days for it it hatch. "I suggest you let it be charged to reduce the time by a lot".
Mutated Swords: Currently with 5 tiers (Stone, Iron, Gold, Diamond, Netherite) This can be found from specific mobs or can be traded by Mutant Villager. It can be enchanted and upgradeable if you have a diamond tier.
Mutated Battle Axe Tiers: Currently with 4 tiers (Iron, Gold, Diamond, Netherite) This can be found from specific mobs or can be traded by Mutant Villager. It can also be enchanted and upgradeable if you have a diamond tier.
Mutated Trident: This item can be found by Mutant's Drowned's death and can be enchantable. It cant be thrown like a trident as of now, but will on later (I'm new to scripting).

Oh look, we got Skeleton Armors coming with 4 types! Just by defeating any mutant in the Mutant Skeleton Squad, using their parts to craft into armor is the perfect way to do it! I heard that their skulls can be placed down too!
Mutant Skeleton Armor: We got the classic start, part of it can give out some nice abilities.
Mutant Wither Skeleton Armor: A new variant, just like the original, and apparently it has a special perk to be immune to fire and wither.
Mutant Stray Armor: Silk design, could be useful for mining purposes, but also can stop slowness with its special perk.
Mutant Bogged Armor: Well.. This is something, being able to have vision and apparently breath underwater as a perk. Oh yea and clears poison too!

Currently, there is no new trailer for this version as of now, but will likely appear eventually.. Shorts are there too!
To Xbox and Playstation players, I recommend to download the resource and behavior separately!
If you have any questions or bugs, visit [My Discord Server]
Version 4.2:
+ Added a new Mutant:
- Mutant Pillager
+ Added Skeleton Armors:
- Mutant Skeleton Armor
- Mutant Wither Skeleton Armor
- Mutant Stray Armor
- Mutant Bogged Armor
+ Placeable Skulls:
- Mutant Skeleton Skull
- Mutant Wither Skeleton Skull
- Mutant Stray Skull
- Mutant Bogged Skull
- With scripting and help, Chemical X has a better mutation system which will effect any creatures(even custom ones), without interupting any Minecraft mobs behavior
- Any Mutant Skeleton debris after death explosion can be interacted for creafting armor
- Earth Mobs such as Bouldering Zombie, Lobber Zombie, and Skeleton Wolf(except tamed) will burn in daylight
- Evoker's summoned Mutated Fangs will now have a lifespan for only 20 seconds
- Bouldering Zombie should only climb if a target is on site
- Mutant Villagers will have a 5/20 chance to restock after battling
- Hulk Hammer has a shockwave ability
- Any Mutants with stages(Zombies, Vindicator, Piglins, etc) will properly give the right health amount after getting up from being knocked
- Removed Mutant Iron Golem (GRUG)'s tame behavior due to some issues, but still can be rideable and controllable if not being interupted
- Mutant Iron Golem (GRUG) went through balance changes with its health with the new upgrade system. Each upgrade will increase its health from, Gold Block, Diamond Block, Emerald Block, to Nethernite Block
- Mutant Iron Golem (GRUG) can be knocked out with only half a minute to react. If time runs out, it will be defeated and will drop any upgrades that was used, but using a restone block will revive it giving a second chance
- Any items such as Creeper Shard, Hulk Hammer, and Endersoul Hand will properly not lose durability in creative mode and have a cooldown system after use
- Any Mutants with stages becomes un-interactable,(again) , after being knocked in a certain way
- Mutant Creeper would somehow stay in a healing loop in a certain way
- Mutant Snow Golem and Stray was able to get hurt from powder snow
- Lobber and Bouldering Zombie becomes invisible when playing with other addons
- Mutant Wither Skeleton able to move after defeating a mob while doing spin attack.
- Getting close to Mutant Wither Skeleton, Vindicator, and Piglin Brute would somehow get other mobs hurt but with no damage applied
- For Concole Players: Spawn Eggs would oddly become invisible. (Recommended to download .mcpack and not .mcaddon)
*End of Changelog v4.2*
Version 4.1:
- With scripting, some Mutants will be able to provide knockback to targets
- Mobs who can be pushed away by some Mutants are altered. Before, mobs would ride on a hidden entity, but now, have been replaced by scripting. (Any mobs with knockback resistance can still be affected)
- Normal and Mutant Bouldering Zombie's climbing volume has been reduced
- Bouldering Zombie should only climb if a target is on site
- Mutant Villagers will be able to switch weapon layouts depending on their work block
- Mutants who hold weapons won't get visually affected if they are hurt or on fire
- Any Mutants with stages(Zombies, Vindicator, Piglins, etc) will properly give the right health amount after getting up from being knocked.
- Mutants will only do ground pound attacks if they are on the ground
- Mutant Villagers will now stay in place while being traded
- Mutant Zombies/Pigmans becomes still, un-interactable, (No AI), after being knocked in a certain way
- Snow Golem would attack its kind while being mutated
- Feeding a Mutant Axolotl tropical fish bucket would not give the player their bucket back
- Endersoul Hand would hurt the thrower if throwing a block
- Mutant Enderman would rarely but rapidly teleport around for a short time
- Creeper Egg(Entity) would not drop a Creeper Egg(Item)
- Lobber and Bouldering Zombies don't have any collision between mobs
- Tall or Mutant mobs would get stuck in a wall while fighting a Mutant Iron Golem
- Mutant Enderman's visual would sometimes appear as a clone and not a mutant
- Giving a Skeleton Wolf "wolf armor" would appear invisible
- One of the mutant zombie easter eggs wasn't fully coded in
- Fixed most animation errors
*End of Changelog v4.1*
Version 4.0:
Added 7 Mutants:
- Mutant Evoker
- Mutant Vindicator
- Mutant Vex
- Mutated Evoker Fangs
- Mutant Bogged
- Mutant Villager
- Mutant Zombie Villager
- Some easter eggs
Added Mobs(For the ones who appeared in past games or servers and have a mutant form, now have a normal form as well):
- Bouldering Zombie
- Lobber Zombie
- Skeleton Wolf
- Enderlotl
Added Items/Weapons:
- Mutated Swords Tiers
- Mutated Battle Axe Tiers
- Mutated Trident
- Endersoul Hand (WIP in some parts)
- Endersoul Fragment
- Made a functional Creeper Shard:
- If used on a mob or used as an item, A message will pop up telling you options if it needs to be charged, what charge it's currently at, or when it's fully charged. This can be used multiple times
- Hit entities to gain durability until its maxed out
- Creeper Eggs will take longer to hatch, only if charged will speed up the progress.
- Removed the spawning feature again, in order for Mutants to naturally spawn and not get bugged out
90% of the mutants were reworked to their appearance, behaviors, and animations:
- Mutant Iron Golem (GRUG):
- Has a new appearance, much stronger than before and more useful.
- It comes in variants depending on where it was mutated(cherry blossom, desert, lush caves)
- Can do melee combos on targets
- Has a new Iron Spikes ability that will damage nearby mobs
- Has a new ranged mode that will shoot Heavy Cores
- If tamed, it can enter sleep mode where no mobs will attack (even a warden) and will heal overtime.
- Mutant Enderman:
- It is back to being neutral now, it will only attack if being looked at.
- It will take water damage slowly instead of 2 per second
- While attacking, it will have the chance to pick up 1-2 blocks to throw at a target
- If taking damage, has a chance to do teleport damage to mobs in its area if in range.
- After death, it will start to release an explosion trap, if any entities are caught there is little hope for escape.
- Before it would drop loads eyes of ender, which has been replaced by Endersoul Fragments, which can be craftable.
- The Mutant Zombies:
- Any zombies except zombie piglins, have a proper smash attack if up close.
- Getting too far that causes delays will cause the mutant to roar and minions will rise, causing itself to become vulnerable for a short amount of time.
- To Lobber and Bouldering Zombies, they can roar and cause normal minions to rise too, after being knocked.
- After a few smash attacks, they have a chance to throw their targets up into the air and smash them down to the ground.
- Mutant Zombies can still fight after 4-6 times from being knocked with only some of health.
- The Mutant Skeletons:
- If defeated the mutant skeleton will explode into dozens of skeleton parts around, more scattered and more smooth compared to the last version.
- Skeleton, Stray, and Bogged(new) have a property when it comes to shooting at a target, it can be either fast or less accurate or slow but tightly accurate
- A rare chance for Skeleton, Stray, and Bogged, to shoot an arrow with a TNT, with each having their own properties.
- For Skeleton, Stray, and Bogged(new), If waited too long or its target got too close, it will jump into the air and shoot multiple arrows at once replaces the old spam attack.
- Wither Skeleton has a slight design change to make it more of a threat.
- Wither Skeleton has a chance to spin with its sharp stone swords that will damage any mobs in radius.
- Wither Skeleton can defend itself from oncoming attacks for a short time
- Wither Skeleton will still do melee attacks, but has its ways.
- Wither Skeleton used to have a spam range attack, that's been altered.
- Mutant Creeper
- Removed its second stage making It an only one stage mutant.
- If 25% or more health is lost, it will heal overtime and run away if being attacked.
- Mutant Creeper will jump in the air instantly if its close to its target, instead of delay jump.
- As usual on death, it will explode but at the same time will start to glow so bright. And drop a creeper egg( it can be charged if the creeper itself was charged).
- Mutant Endolotl will fly similar to a phantom, but once tamed to will stay close to its owner.
- Mutant Ocelot, Wolf, and Skeleton Wolf's designs have a new appearance along with better animations. They do have a unique behavior when it comes to food or weapons.
- Mutant Ocelot is now the fastest creature beating the Mutant Iron Golem
- Any mutant zombies, piglins, or villagers are a bit taller than how they were from the previous versions.
- Most mutants have a new texture appearance "less complicated", some will get their new texture look eventually: (Mutant Zombie, Husk, Drowned, Enderman, Creeper, Skeleton, Stray, Wither Skeleton)
- Mutant Snow Golem has a slight behavior change and has a fast melee attack, with better animations.
- Updated sounds for some following mutants: Mutant Wolf, Skeleton Wolf, Endolotl, Ocelot.
- Some mutants with their Easter Eggs form were either changed or removed.
- Some existing items before have new appearances for both 2d and 3d designs:
- Creeper Shard
- Creeper Egg
- Hulk Hammer
- Temporary discontinued Pocket Mutant Creatures
These are lists from my discord server reported by users who spotted bugs:
- Mutants Zombies that are not immune to fire will properly be set on fire whether if it's a fire block or not
- Mutants such as Zombies, husks, piglins will stop roaring continuously when being idle.
- Fixed an issue that causes Enderman clones not to attack
- Mutant Iron Golem (was v1.0) should now properly focus on attacking mutants and mobs
- Hulk Hammer And Creeper Shard weren't visible in the creative menu / from mutants after being defeated.
Steps to Install the Add-On:
"Optional" If you still have the old versions of this add-on, just remove it from Minecraft's storage settings
1. There isn't anything to do really. The addon is experimental free, no need to toggle any features needed for it.
2. If you are a console player (Xbox or Playstation), I recommend you to download the addon's resource and behavior pack sepreately (.mcpack).
- Mutant Creatures Bedrock v4.2 ".mcaddon" (Linkvertise)
- Mutant Creatures Bedrock v4.2 Resource ".mcpack" (Linkvertise)
- Mutant Creatures Bedrock v4.2 Behavior ".mcpack" (Linkvertise)
- Mutant Creatures Bedrock v4.2 ".mcaddon" (LootLabs)
- Mutant Creatures Bedrock v4.2 Resource ".mcpack" (LootLabs)
- Mutant Creatures Bedrock v4.2 Behavior ".mcpack" (LootLabs)