New Ore and Items - ITEM EXPANSION V1.1
This mod will improve your vanilla experience, this is not an add-on that unbalances the game with exaggeratedly op items, this pack was created to make the vanilla minecraft experience more fun.
The ore of the package will not be generated randomly, but according to a specific rarity function, so don't expect a world full of useless ore that are everywhere, but to get them you will have to give it inside XD.
This Add-On will receive updates that will add more and less rare ores, items, weapons, armor.
Obviously having a logical sense, they will not simply be "stronger than netherite" items, but will have specific characteristics.
Updates to the pack will be made depending on how much users show me support, i already have some idea.
Update: enjoi the V1.1, read all the new things in the changelog (it is at the bottom of the page).
Here are all the items:
Miner ore

This new ore will be used to craft some items, it is found in all biomes of the overworld, it can be found starting from y 0 up to .
A maximum of three veins can be found per chunk, and a vein can have a maximum of 4 ores (5 ores with the V1.1 update). it is rarer than diamond but no more than netherite.
ATTENTION, if an entity (a player, a mob, or even if an item) will step above it, an effect will activate.
You can get the mineral by typing in the chat the command /give @s dvd:Miner_ore.
Miner table

This is a special crafting table, as with this it is only possible to craft new items.
You can get this by typing in chat the command /give @s dvd:Miner_table.
Miner dust

By putting a piece of Miner ore in a blast furnace you will get a piece of Miner dust.
It will be used to craft the Ingot Miner.
You can get it by tiping in chat the command /give @s dvd:Miner_dust.
Miner ingot

By putting nine pieces of Miner Dust in the Miner table you will get two Miner ingots (with the V1.1 update you will get only one).
Those lingots are used to craft a special pickaxe.
You can get it by typing in chat the command /give @s dvd:Miner_ingot
Hard stick

By putting eight pieces of leather around a stick in the miner table you will get two hard stick (with the V1.1 update you will get only one).
Those stick are used to craft a special pickaxe.
You can get it by typing in chat the command /give @s dvd:Hard_stick.
Miner pickaxe

This pickaxe will be your best friend while mining.
Is crafted with three miner ingot, two hard stick, one block of: gold, diamond, emerald and redstone.
BE CAREFUL thoug, do not use it inside your beautiful home or near chests, buildings you particularly care about.
I won't tell you why, you'll have to find out for yourself XD.
You can get it by typing in chat the command /give @s dvd:Miner_pickaxe.
As i said before, this is the first release of this Add-On, i will improve it if the user will appreciate it.
I have a lot of idea to apply for this pack, and other ideas for other pack that will be compatible with this.
So, if you find a bug, please, tell me that.
I really hope you will enjoy the V1.0 😉
Reinforced dirt

This item will be used to craft the Dirt Miner shovel head.
You can get it by typing in chat the command /give @s dvd:reinforced_dirt.
Dirt Miner shovel head

This item will be used to craft the Dirt miner shovel.
You can get it by typing in chat the command /give @s dvd:dirt_miner_shovel_head.

This shovel even though it's called "Dirt", it doesn't mean it's made of this material, this shovel will dig fast, and by interacting with it, you'll be given a dirt stack.
Obviously activating its effect will be damaged more.
What's up? can always be useful...
You can get it by typing in chat the command /give @s dvd:dirt_miner_shovel_head.
Reinforced cobble

This item will be used to craft the Cobble Miner shovel head.
You can get it by typing in chat the command /give @s dvd:reinforced_cobble.
Cobble Miner shovel head

This item will be used to craft the cobble miner shovel.
You can get it by typing in chat the command /give @s dvd:cobble_miner_shovel_head.
Cobble Miner shovel head

This shovel is the same of the Dirt Miner shovel, but it digs much faster and will give a stack of cobblestone when interacting with it.
Lost Miner ghost

This new mob will be the only chance (for now) to get the "sword of the lost miner".
It is not a common mob but not extremely rare either. It spawns in caves and on the surface.
Here are some of its features:
Healt: 35
Damage: 8
Drop: Phantom membrane; Sword of the lost Miner
Sword drop chance: 0.09 (looting multiplier 0.02)
Sword of the lost Miner

This sword will not be easy to find, but once found it will be the ultimate sword.
It may not kill with one hit, but if you intareg with it, nearby mobs will be damaged with letal poison effect, which believe me, will be very useful.
Be careful not to kill your dog though.
Featured image changed
Fixed some version compatibility bug
The lost miner ghost will now spawn frequently
Open the download link (one is for RP and one is for BP), should be downloaded a .mcpack file, be careful with the ads.
Of course
You have to activate all the experimental features BEFORE the creation of the world.

Do not share the mod with your link.
If you want to make a video about it, you have permission, but it is appreciated that you tell me before, obviously sharing the link that redirects users to this page.
creator: Davidemg