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MCPE/Bedrock New Swords Ores RB 1.17 V1

Illustrious Member Admin

New Swords Ores RB 1.17 V1

This add-on adds new ores and swords to your minecraft making it much more interesting and fun, explore caves and collect ores, do as you like just have fun in 1.17


Here are all the Recipes and Addon Items if you have any doubts, ask our comments.


Tin: layer where it is located 0,95y

Bronze:  layer where it is located 0,90y

Lead: layer where it is located 0,90y

Nikel: layer where it is located 0,85y

Silver: layer where it is located 0,80y

Platinum: layer where it is located 0,75y 

Carbon: layer where it is located 0,70y

Pink Diamond: layer where it is located 0,70y

Sapphire: layer where it is located 0,65y

Topaz: layer where it is located 0,60y 

Ruby: layer where it is located 0,55y

Onyx: layer where it is located 0,50y

Royal Amethyst: layer where it is located 0,45y

Aquamarine:  layer where it is located 0,25y 

Jade: layer where it is located 0,25y

Citrine: layer where it is located 0,23y

Firenite: layer where it is located  0,20y

New Diamond Layer: 0,55y

New Gold Layer: 0,75y



Iron Stick:

Sword Craft:

(Blocks Crafts)

Ruby Block: 

Topaz Block: 

Sapphire Block: 

Oynx Block: 

Royal Amethyst Block: 

(Obsidian Items)  

Obsidian Powder: 


Perfect Obsidian: 

Obsidian Ingot: 

Super Obsidian: 

 Perfect Super Obsidian: 

Perfect Obsidian Ingot: 

(All Swords)

(Enderite And Sword)



New Sword: Obsidian Perfect Sword

bug fixes and new translations added


Topic starter Posted : 30/08/2021 1:16 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 11/10/2021 9:39 am