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MCPE/Bedrock Night Owl Chopper Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

Night Owl Chopper Addon


Introducing my first flying vehicle! TheNight Owl Chopper. A super fast helicopter capable of transporting you and your friends from one destination to another in no time! Not only that, you’d look cool doing that too!



This is side project I’ve been working on! Apart from my furniture addon of course. This is just me experimenting with codes for making flying entities so it may or may not be perfect. I’ll be sure to make more of these kinds of addons in the future!

And yes, this is not based off any real helicopter model, but instead, a toy helicopter made by Hotwheels / Matchbox called Sky Shredder. Search it up!


This helicopter can fit 3 players, can fly (obviously) and has animations.

The Night Owl Chopper

Whatever this perspective is called..

Front View

Side View

Back View

How to control

It’s fairly simple. Just look up to ascend and look down to descend! Kinda like most other plane / flying vehicle addon out there!

How to obtain

Method 1:Get the spawn egg “Night Owl Chopper” from the Creative Inventory.

Method 2:By using /summon command:

/summon noc:nightowl


Instagram account:@ashminggudev

Email account:[email protected]

Discord account:ashminggu#7435


Update 11/6/20

1. Fixed main propeller and back tail propeller animation not working.


1.Download both the Resource and Behavior Packs (Links are below).

2.You will be sent to the redirection page. Just wait5 secondsand skip.(Note: You'll might be ask to allow some notifications, just deny all of them).

3.Wait for another45 - 60 secondsat the "Please press 'Allow' to continue" page.

4.Download the Resource / Behavior Packs.

5.Once downloaded, click on the files and it will automatically open up Minecraft to start importing the files!



Topic starter Posted : 12/06/2020 11:31 am