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MCPE/Bedrock Nightmare Addon (Merry Christmas and Happy New Year)

Illustrious Member Admin

Nightmare Addon (Merry Christmas and Happy New Year)


Nightmare is an addon that is based on me and FoxGame2020 upcoming series and in spite of the first episode premiere in 2021 (sometime then),  we are giving the public our Addon so they can understand the item’s and mobs also blocks that are gonna be in the Addon. I’ve been working on this addon rework for 4 months and I would like for you to read on please 🙂


This is made by me and I have all the rights to this Addon My Guy!


Darkness Matter:

Darkness matter is an item used to create armour and a weapon. To find this item you have to hunt for the Fiend who is very jumpy at times 🙂

Light Powder:

All together this item has no use yet and can’t be gained in survival yet. I am still working on this sorry 😅

Obsidian Stick:

This item is replacing the Infected Warped Stick and it is used to create the new bow and tools and is crafted from two obsidian! (Get to mining then)

Apple Juice (Blood):

You can get this item from the Chicken Fiend and it can crafted to make the Nether or Blood sword I always forget the name sorry. It has no other use yet.

Endmald Broken Ingot:

This item is dropped by the Endmald ore found in the deepest and darkest caves to be found! It also can be crafted into an endmald ingot.

Knowledge Book:

Only the biggest of brains can open it……

Endmald Ingot:

You can get this from crafting two Broken Endmald Ingots together and also can crafted into a sword and pickaxe!


Nether or Blood Sword?:

This is one of the strongest weapons in the addon and can be crafted by one Apple Juice (Blood) and a netherite sword 😬, is it worth it? Idk?

Nether Bow?:

Is it called Nether Bow Fox? Oh ok….. well we don’t know what it’s called but we know it’s a bow that can shoot arrows that do damage and sometimes put things in fire O-O


Beech Planks, Leafs and Wood:

Lets start off with a new tree and wood type shall we? Ok so this tree can be found on top of the highest mountains and the wood can be crafted in planks. Epic am I right???

Endmald Ore:

Ok so this is one of the ore or maybe it’s the only ore 👀. Ok so you can find this basically in any Y level and can drop those Broken Endmald Ingot.

Endmald Lamp:

Yo where’s my candles at? Oh the next update….. ok! Ok so Candles are not in this update sorry but we have a lamp which can be crafted from 8 Endmald Ingots and one glowstone, oh and it has it’s only little animation :)))

Gold and Quartz Vein:

Ok so basically this is just the same ore but one has both Quartz and Gold and the other just has Quartz. You wanna know the story how I came up with this idea? No…….. ok. It has a random chance to drop Quartz, gold, cobblestone and it’s self.

Wth Double Barrel? 🤦‍♂️ 

Ok so this block is basically a meme now and has a no purpose XD. Just have fun with it XD

Armour and other stuff


Do you want to be the king of you’re world but don’t have a crown yet? Well here you go, take yo crown 👑 

Horns >:)

Dont want a crown huh? You want to be evil! Well here you go you naughty boy or girl take you’re horns 👀

Dark Armour:

Ok so you got to my second favourite bit here. We have the Dark armour but just to say I made it exactly like netherite expect for the crafting recipe. The crafting recipe is exactly like a normal crafting recipe for armour.

Re-added Item’s:

Enchanted Golden Apple

The enchanted golden Apple has been added back, that means it’s craftable with 8 gold blocks. Like always you can craft it like normal.


End Carrot

The End Carrot is like a version of a Poisonous Potato but it’s more fatal and can only be given by growing it. Yes why would you want to grow something more fatal thing a Potato! Well to trick you’re friends my guy. This planet can be grown on farmland and how you get the seed is by smelting a Chrous fruit in a blast furnace. FULL POWER AHEAD.



Warped Blaze

This is the only mob who has not changed at all so yeah he’s the same my guy. He can fly real fast, note check fix that flying god damn. He can only be found in the nether but he’s too fast sorry and he drops nothing I think 🤔 


Fiend (R.I.P Night Demon)

R.I.P Night Demon but hello Fiend (still means demon tho :3) He spawns in the over world at day and night but he loves and I mean it he loves to try and give you a smooch on the forehead my guy.


Fiend Chicken 🐔:

Demon Chicken alert 🚨, Demon Chicken Alert 🚨. Damn this guy loves to kill everything that’s why he drops Apple Juice (Blood). He only spawns in the End tho. Or does he………


Greyed Cow

Greyed Cow is basically the light cow but it does have a spawn this time and it spawns in the mountains 🏔. Drops beef and leather like a normal cow 🐮


Crimson Blaze:

Just the same as the blaze 👀, boring 🥱. He’s really fast and yeah also I don’t think they can hit you XD



Magnis (God of the Nether)

Bruh see what I did there XD. Just switch the u with an I (Magnus = Magnis) XD. So yeah he’s a boss with more health then the ended dragon and the wither. What did you expect he’s a boss XD

While you’re here you should subscrube to my YouTube channel for good content 🙂

We have added a bug and issue tracker so we can fix you’re issues with the addon right Here



Change Log 🙂

1. Addon new mobs (Crimson Blaze)

2. Reworked old mobs (all of them)

3. Added new items

4. Reworked new items

5. Addon new blocks (Double Barrel :))) )

6. Reworked some of the blocks I think



Topic starter Posted : 24/12/2020 1:01 pm