Ninja Armor (Beta 0.1)
Ninja armor is a new minecraft addon than adds new ninja armors, 2 new swords and the new projectils (shiruren, kunai, ninja star, and more). This is a beta version, if you find a bug you can write me un the comments.
The first is the basic armor crafting with cloth

The cloth craft is with black dye and strings and with this one you can craft the ninja armor

This is the basic armor not more stronge than lather armor but more fast.

If you want a best armor only you should put the normal armor with the vanilla armors (iron, gold, diamond and netherite)

These are the new armors
Ninja gold armor

Ninja iron armor

Ninja diamond armor

Ninja netherite armor

Also you could craft new weapons and projectils


Ninja star


Air shuriken


Poison items

Everything of this addon could be crafting with the new crafting table, the ninja crafting table

1.- Go to the end of the submission and click in the mcaddon or mcpack archive.
2.- Export mcaddon archive to minecraft
3.-Wait the exportation
4.-Active the resorce and behavior packs
5.-Active the experimental options
6.-Go to play the addon in your world
creator: Aleg199546