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MCPE/Bedrock No Particles Texture Pack

Illustrious Member Admin

No Particles Texture Pack

For what can I use this texture pack?

You can use it for making some photos with night vision effect.

You can use it to do some maps in where you don’t want that the player can see the particles, 

You can use it to optimise your game ?

You can use it for maps without giving me credits ?

Here you have some examples:

Without texture pack:

With it

Oh let’s see the photo that I made… Oh come on there particles in the middle of the photo!

No more problems!


Please accept the texture pack, I just do it because I need a texture like this and I didn't find it so I thought that in the same way that I needed it maybe other people too.

I know that it's not a super texture pack but is really useful for map making.



Topic starter Posted : 21/10/2019 12:43 pm