Non-Experimental Turrets Add-On 3.0 More Stuff Update
Who doesn't hate having monsters on their base...? No one, that's why I decided to create the brand new and awesome Non-Experimental Turrets Add-On, no more annoying zombies and skeletons... and perhaps creepers.
This Add-On introduces gear to get rid of annoying hostile mobs.
Starting with:
Basic Turret

Attack Range: 15m
Damage: -4HP
Health: 100HP
Basic turrets shoot arrows at their enemies.
Where to find them?

Basic Turrets can be found inside chests at Pillager Outposts and Abandoned Mineshafts.
Crafting Recipe

- Iron Ingot x3
- Redstone Dust x2
- Dispenser x1
- Oak Fence x3
Incendiary Turret

Attack Range: 15m
Damage: -7HP
Health: 200HP
- Incendiary Turrets will shoot twelve small fire charges at their enemies.
- Be careful on where you place them, your entire world may caught on fire.

- These turrets have a small cage in where you can protect yourselves from arrows.
- Even though the cage looks strong it cannot protect you from melee attacks.
Where to find them?

Incendiary Turrets can be found inside chests on Fortresses and Bastions.
Crafting Recipe

- Blaze Rod x3
- Magma Cube x1
- Basic Turret x1
- Nether Brick x1
- Block Of Iron x3
Sculk Turret

Attack Range: 40m
Damage: -15HP
Health: 300HP
- Sculk Turrets use a super charged sonic attack on their enemies.
- They don't need to see their enemies in order to attack them, even if they are underground.
Where to find them?

Sculk Turrets can be found inside chests on Ancient Cities.
Crafting Recipe

- Sculk x1
- Echo Shard x4
- Incendiary Turret x1
- Sculk Catalyst x3
Gravity Turret

Effect Range: 50m
Health: 1000HP
- Gravity Turrets will apply the levitation effect on their enemies, just to later drop them from the heavens to the ground.
Where to find them?

Gravity Turrets can be found inside End Cities.
- This turret is an End exclusive.

- Bobs are a group of passive piglins that barter useful items to make crafting turrets easier.
- The Overworld do not suits them well...
Angel In A Bottle

Range: 40m
Health: 1HP
Damage: Instant
This lovely angel which was rescued from the Nether will help you eliminate undead mobs instantly... Once it gets out of the bottle.
Crafting Recipe

- Glass x6
- Black Terracota x1
- White Tulip x1
- Soul Sand x1
- This is a "single" use item.
- Undead mobs will attack it.

Health: 40HP
This handsome dummy will make evil mobs forget you by producing a familiar voice making it the target... What a hero.
Crafting Recipe

- Cyan Wool x2
- Blue Wool x2
- Hay x3
- Note Block x1
- Armor Stand x1
- This dummy will attract but also repel creepers.
- Creepers will sometimes explode near it.
Sculk Beast

Health: 100HP
Melee Attack: -15HP
Boom Attack: -15HP
This armored beast will be your new partner in crime!
The Sculk Beast is a brand new rideable mob that attacks hostile creatures using melee attacks and charged sonic booms. To ride it, just equip it with a saddle by right clicking on it. To control it you will need an echo shard, its rage for hostile creatures is above anything except the mind-controlling vibrations of the echo shard.
- The Sculk Beast is dropped by the Warden.
- Once riding it you become mostly invulnerable.
- It can walk on water and lava.
Sculk Beastling

Health: 60HP
After the Sculk Beast dies, it will drop the Sculk Beastling's egg. The Beastling cannot reach maturity on its own, so you will need to help it by combining the Beastling's egg with sculk blocks.
Crafting Recipe

- Sculk Sensor x2
- Sculk Shrieker x1
- Sculk Beastling Egg x1
- Sculk Catalyst x5
- This version is passive and fully controllable by the player.
- You can right click the Echo Shard to boost both Sculk Beast and Beastling.
Dragon Cannon

What is there to say?
Health: 100,000HP
Range: 500m
Melee Attack: -30HP
Ranged Attack: -17HP
Crafting Recipe

- Anvil x7
- Sculk Turret x1
- Dragon Head x1
- The Dragon Cannon shoots Dragon Fireballs.
- For the Cannon to shoot, locators are required, or you can hit it and become the target.
Blue Locator

This locator can take a single shot.
Crafting Recipe

Blue Wool x5
Red Locator

This locator can take up to five shots.
Crafting Recipe

Red Wool x5
Purple Locator

This locator is able to teleport and can take up to five shots.
Crafting Recipe

Purple Wool x4
Ender Pearl x1
Black Locator

This locator is also able to teleport and can take up to ten shots.
Crafting Recipe

Black Wool x4
Ender Pearl x1

- Every Turret when destroyed will drop itself.
- Turrets have no idea of the concept of family, so please place them where they are unable to shoot each other, they might start a fight.

- I recommend placing them with dispensers, that way they will be perfectly aligned, and it kind of looks cool.
V.2.0 Craftable Turrets Update
- Basic Turrets are now vulnerable to fire.
- Added Turret Trader.
- Added Hoglin Companion.
- Added Turret Recipes.
V.3.0 More Stuff Update
- Added sounds for every entity.
- New model and item for Gravity Turret.
- Added Angel In A Bottle.
- Added Dummy.
- Added Sculk Beast and Sculk Beastling.
- Added Dragon Cannon and Locators.
- Added Bob and company.
- Incendiary Turret is now craftable.
- Suspicious Stews are now craftable.
- Turret Trader and Companion Hoglin no longer naturally spawn.
No experimental gameplay needed.
To download the update just disable the old version from your world menu settings and enable the new one.
creator: Ceiszu162