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MCPE/Bedrock Number Blocks Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

Number Blocks Addon


This addon includes number blocks from 1 to 100 and functions to generate charts for 1 to 100. Hopefully it will appeal to kids who love Minecraft to help with practicing their early math skills.  


Due to the current issues in Minecraft, number blocks can only be obtained by using commands.

For example,

/give @s numbers:number25 10

will give you 10 of the “25” block,

There are two functions to generation 1 to 100 charts.

/function grid100

will generate the horizontal chart.


/function grid100vertical

will generate the vertical chart.

For more details or to contribute to the project, please visit the Github project


Version 1.0.1 adds simple math operator blocks.


Version 1.0.2 adds a function to generate a number line.

/function line100

creator: edward3h


Added a function to generate a number line up to 100.


Topic starter Posted : 26/10/2020 3:20 pm