One Hit, One Heart [One Heart For All Addon]
Don't you wish that you had an anxiety attack everything you played Minecraft, don't you wish that you just HATED to open Minecraft, well now you can. With this addon you can be scared about everything you do and risk your player every time you play.
This addon is a simple addon that doesn't change much, but what it dose change, will make a massive difference to your way of playing. this addon will make it to where you can kill everything with one hit, using melee weapons or arrows will kill anything in one shot. But there is a down side to this. Other mobs and entities can also kill you in one shot, you will have only 1 heart (2 hitpoints), If you have full enchanted Netherite armor, then you could take 2 hits from some mobs, but that's it. You will have to watch your back and be vary, vary carful. This could be one of the hardest addons I've ever made and will ever make, if you beat this, you are REALLY good at Minecraft.


Join my discord to interact with others who play this game and others that I've made, also allowing you to give suggestions and download other games I've made.
I also stream on twitch and going on the discord can notify you when I'm streaming, I play my games and sometimes other games and you can play with me on stream.
Fixed the title so it can match the style of my other addons and maps.
If you use the star discord server link (THANK YOU) click it link, you should be sent to join the discord, once you have you will be sent to the welcome channel and in the welcome channel, there will be a blue highlighted part named #🎮addons, click that and then find the game you want to download.
If you picked the regular link all you have to do is click the link and then press download.