One Player Sleep Addon (Compatible with other addons!) [Configurable]
Wanted to play and have some fun with your friends especially at day time in Minecraft, and avoid phantoms? Sick of all players must lay on their respective beds, just to survive the night, and never be bothered with mobs at night lurking, and attacking? This Addon is all you need especially for multiplayers, and if you are a content creator that does not want to modify the player.json. One Player Sleeping System, you can just add this to your stack of behavior packs. This addon only contains a BEHAVIOR PACK and nothing else.
Since Mojang didn't added the "isSleeping" component for GameTest Framework, I created my own component to detect how will a player sleep, without modifying the player.json, since that is my goal. With this Addon you can enjoy your addon packs gameplay, and easy to activate or put to your own world. Hope this addon helped you, especially for Content Creators. Feel free to look at my js file, since it has comments to give you a walk through. If you want to add this to your behavior packs.

Usage Conditions
You are permitted to:
- Examine the code and works to learn more about the creation and development of add-ons.
- Change the code or works to suit your needs.
- Use the add-on packs as you see fit in-game.
- Re-distribute the add-on packs or works elsewhere, with approval of the author.
- Create showcases or videos of this addon, but provide this site's link.
You are NOT permitted to:
- Negate the accreditation of the original author.
- Paste the direct download link, negating the page.
- Take the author's code, works, and textures just to republish them as your own.
One Player Sleep is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License by @adrhyng. Permissions that extend beyond the scope of this license may be obtained from h_YanG_0A.
Lastly, Supports and Feedbacks are highly appreciated. Thank you, and have fun!!
You can support me via Downloading it through Linkvertise below.
DM ME @ TWITTER (1) Adrian (@h_YanG_0A) / Twitter
- ADDED GITHUB REPO (for Creators)
There are 2 ways you can install this addon to your device.
- You candirectlyinstall or import the addon through importing or installing it asmcaddonformat to the Minecraft Pocket / Bedrock Edition.
- You canrenamethe.mcaddonto".zip"and extract it as folder, then copy the folder into theMinecraft -> Behavior Packs(directory). There you can restart your minecraft, and see your behavior pack in game.
Make sure youTURN ONthe following features or capabilities in the game:
- Holiday Creator Features
- GameTest Framework
To fully activate the Script Addon.