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MCPE/Bedrock OP Squid V2.0

Illustrious Member Admin

OP Squid V2.0


Hello there! Somehow most people say that Glow Squid is the useless mob that ever updated. Well they say Squids are useless enough actually, Squids that only drop Ink Sacs are useless right? But with this addon activated, SQUIDS AND GLOW SQUIDS ARE NO LONGER USELESS!  Squids and Glow Squids now drop OP ITEMS!  Introducing the OP Squid Addon! Made by: NotYetamis

As i said, With this simple Addon, Squids and Glow Squids now Drop OP Items instead of Ink Sac or Glow Inc Sac!


Well they are quite many...

Note: Description will be just short because it's just a simple but OP addon.


Here are some drops while killing the Squid and Glow Squid:

The drops are Random (Like Netherite, Diamond and other stuffs) and randomly OP ENCHANTED!

Note: There are no Curse Enchants of it because as I said OP!


Here are some drops tips:

What do squids drop?

- Netherite Block

- Netherite Ingot

- Netherite Armor (Randomly Enchanted)

- Netherite Tools (Randomly Enchanted)

- Ancient Debris

- Diamond Block

- Diamond Tools (Randomly Enchanted)

- Diamond Armor (Randomly Enchanted)

- Diamond

- Lapis / Gold / Emerald / Iron Blocks (It drops Raw Blocks too)

- Emerald 

- Totem of Undying

- Elytra (Randomly Enchanted)

- Enchanted Golden Apple (Notch Apple / God Apple that's what they used to call it)

- Golden Apple

- Shulker Box

- Firework Rocket

- Trident (Randomly Enchanted)

- Flint and steel (Randomly Enchanted )

- Obsidian

- Tnt

- Ender Pearl

- Blaze Rod

- Ender Eye

- End Portal Frame and many more...

New in V1.3 Update

(Loot Add and Fix Update)

No pictures in this update but there are sudden changes.

Fixed: Fixed the Netherite Chestplate (Which doesn't enchant)





And more stuffs, I can't remember.

Make sure to turn on these Experimental for the Addon to work!


Version 2.0

Added 1.19 stuffs and removed some like:

  • Diamond Tools
  • Ores and minerals
  • Ore Blocks
  • and etc... Tell me if you want them back at my yt.


I made it compatible with 1.19, will add more and more soon.

Works Best in 1.17 to 1.18 and also 1.19 Version!


Can be compatible for Android / Windows 10 / Consoles and IOS Users!


We should end here because the Addon is simple but OP!

Have a good day and enjoy your OP addon!

(Too much OP for one day) 🙂   


Version 2.0

  • Removed some other loot (Right up provided)
  • Added 1.19 Stuffs
  • Added the old link if you don't want the 2.0
  • Made the enchantments better on armors


For Mcaddon, just simply import by using Zarchiver or a Archiver Application.

For Zip, just simply move / copy the file to the games folder. 


By bypassing linkvertise, just follow the steps provided in the link.

And already did what the moderator said or admin.

(Edit: Didn't know there was a problem with my old link)


Topic starter Posted : 22/11/2021 11:19 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 11/07/2022 6:01 pm