Orca / Killer Whale and Whale Add-on
Beautiful, squeaky-noise mammals that struggle somewhat on land but do wonderfully in the deep. Much better than you, that's for sure. These graceful creatures will transform your oceans. For the better. More or less.
Sperm Whale
Largest toothed whale by a mile. Well, by 70-odd short tons, but who's counting? Will generally only attack players if they attack first. Unless you're really unlucky and you come across the fabled but dreaded Moby. Get those coords real quick!! You're going to need them if you ever want to see your stuff again.

Orca / Killer Whale
Everybody's favorite black and white oceanic apex predator. You may know them as Orcinus orca, but to others they're just plain ol' killer whales. These will spawn in all oceans that's aren't considered frozen. Breedable (not easily, however) with fish (thanks Sushikè for the idea). There are three variants with slightly different behaviors.
- A variety will attack players, watch out for these
- A variant that doesn't attack players, but will attack cod, guardians (fun times) and drowned (why not)
- A huge variant that attacks lots of things, try not to find them

Our Youtube channel here!
To the awesome youtubers out there, if you do a review/showcase, thank you! Please link back to *this page*. Cheers!
We read all of our YouTube comments, if you have something to say about our addons, please let us know!
- Lowered Orca attack damage, especially the ones that attack players
- Lowered Whale attack damage
- Lowered the chances of spawning the ones that attack players
- Fixed loot tables for Orca and Whale
- Fixed whale animation bug
- Lowered Orca spawn rate (slightly)
- Made Orcas easier to breed (slightly!)