Ore Sheep Add-On
This Addon adds 7 new types of sheep to your world, They spawn naturally in the wild and you are also able to transform a regular sheep into a new type of ore sheep. That drop ore blocks.
This Addon will add 7 new types of sheep
-Diamond Ore Sheep
-Emerald Ore Sheep
-Gold Ore Sheep
-Iron Ore Sheep
-Lapis Ore Sheep
-Redstone Ore Sheep
-Coal Ore Sheep
How to Shear Them:
-These sheep cannot be sheared using shears you have to use a iron Pickaxe to shear them and they will drop ore blocks
NOTE: If you transform a a regular sheep into an ore sheep they wont be sheareable until they eat at least once.
How to get them:
There is a few ways to get them
-You can transform a regular sheep by feeding them any of these blocks
1. Diamond Block
2. Emerald Block
3. Gold Block
4. Iron Block
5. Lapis Block
6. Redstone Block
7. Coal Block
-They Spawn naturally everywhere a regular sheep spawn
-They are also available in the creative inventory
-You can also breed them using wheat but only wild ones that spawned naturally will breed, if they where transformed they will not breed
Creator: B0NY434445