OreChickens Addon
Today the TwitchTube Creators Team brings you a new addon created by BrunoBeer, this one adds Ore Chickens. These 9 new Chickens will make your gaming experience more fun and special.
Each chicken drops different minerals, according to their appearance you’ll realize what it gives you. 9 of 11 chickens can be found on the OverWorld’s surface and the other 2 spawns in the Nether, the Quartz and Netherite one.
Their health is superior to the normal chickens and they can’t be reproduced.
The 9 new Chickens are:
The 11 new Chickens are:
-Coal Chicken (Drops between 1 and 4 of Coal)
-Iron Chicken (Drops between 1 and 3 of Iron)
-Gold Chicken (Drops between 1 and 3 of Gold)
-Redstone Chicken (Drops between 2 and 5 of Redstone)
-Lapis Lazuli Chicken (Drops between 2 and 4 of Lapis)
-Diamond Chicken (Drops between 1 and 2 Diamonds)
-Emerald Chicken (Drops between 1 and 2 Emeralds)
-Quartz Chicken (Drops between 1 and 6 of Quartz and spawns in the Nether)
-Netherite Chicken (Drops between 0 and 1 of Netherite Scrap and spawns in the Nether)
-XP Chicken (Drops between 1 and 3 experience bottles)
-LGBT Chicken (Drops random minerals)
By: BrunoBeer
Help: MarcoGamer
Discord: discord.me/twitchtube_
Team and Community
Team TwitchTube Creators
-New Ore Xp Chiken
-New Ore Rainbow Chiken
-New perfil photo
-Bug fixes
Version v2.0
creator: https://twitter.com/MarcoGamer_