OrePigs Add-on
You wonder why no more pigs in minecraft? Well, here I bring you a magnificent addon of more ore pigs, a complement that adds 15 new entities and gives you many minerals for your survival or to have a good time having fun with these magnificent creatures.
An addon that adds 15 new pigs (entities) that at the time of killing them will release minerals of all kinds giving you an extra bonus for the survival game.
Pigs are not currently spawning in the world due to an error in the game but they can be placed by command or by the generating egg
Pigs maintain life like a normal pig and can drop from 0 to 6 hours, beware! depending on the pig they can drop an amount from 0 to 2 from 0 to 4 and from 0 to 6
There are 14 new types of pigs:
-Gold pig
-Iron pig
-Coal pig
-Lapizlasuli pig
-Emerald pig
-Redstone pig
-Diamond pig
-Lgbt/Rainbow pig (it is on May 17 to show support for the community LGBT)
-Xp Pig ( 1/3 xp bottles)
-Dirt Pig (1/6 dirt block)
Version 4:
-Bread Pig
each of these has its respective spawning egg found in the inventory of creative
The lgbt pig drops any type of mineral and ore
all pigs have different dropping mechanisms to level and not saturate your survival map
A new and unique addon in the minecraft bedrock community for the community
Creator: MarcoGamer
Twitter: @MarcoGamer_
Twitter: @TwitchTube_SC
Team: TwitchTube Creators
Thanks to BrunoBeer and DelamGameplays for the help
-We added sounds to all mobs!
-New Links for download
-New Description
-Bugs fixed
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