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MCPE/Bedrock Piglin Brute Arm Guards Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

Piglin Brute Arm Guards Addon


Have you ever wanted to look a bit more like a Piglin Brute in Minecraft, with their fancy gold arm guards? Well, this addon is for you! It simply adds a new item that can be rarely dropped from the Piglin Brute. It is quite powerful, but has some weaknesses…


Piglin Brutes now uncommonly will drop a Brute Arm Guard when killed. If you have the looting enchantment on your sword, you can use it to get a bit more arm guards then usual.


You can equip the arm guard in your chestplate slot! While equipped, you get 6 defence points (3 armor bars) and 0.5 knockback resistance. However, the arm guard only has 80 durability so it breaks fast!


The Arm Guard has durability, it can be repaired in an anvil. You can’t repair it with gold ingots, you must either use gold blocks or other brute arm guards


It is even enchantable!


One more quality of the brute arm guard is that, like other gold pieces, wearing it makes piglins not attack you immediately! So it’s very useful!




Please download both files to use this addon!


creator: Epic Minecrafter



Topic starter Posted : 10/03/2021 11:10 am