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MCPE/Bedrock Piglin Update

Illustrious Member Admin

Piglin Update


This add-on includes a new and powerful boss, the “Champion Piglin” and a new nether structure a stadium where the “Champion Piglin” fights to prove It’s strength.

This is the first version of the “Piglin Update”. In the near future we’ll add more mobs, bosses, structures and features to enchance the Piglin and nether experience.

The “Champion Piglin” is a really though Piglin, It used to be a Piglin warrior, going through hundreds of battles against Wither Skeletons and other nether creatures made him won the status of “Champion”. You’ll be able to fight with It if you find the “Piglin Stadium”.

 little trailer of the addon


Piglin Champion:

There are some legends of a terrible creature that destroyed many Piglin towns and cities, this monster looked like a Wither Skeleton with three heads, but when the Piglins were about to be destroyed, It appeared a brave hero, this Piglin was too big and strong be called a simple Piglin. This hero didn’t even use a weapon, It defeated the Skeleton monster and brought peace to the Piglins.

Once the towns and cities were restored, this Piglin was extremely loved and respected, and then It was called the “Champion Piglin”. Nowadays, this Piglin lives in peace in his “Piglin Stadium” waiting for someone that can challenge It’s strength.


The “Champion Piglin” is a though boss that only spawns in the “Basalt Delta” biome, there will be a “Piglin Stadium” structure. It has many ways to kill you or other creature that wants to challenge him o stole the gold from the stadium.


Tall, thick, and menacing, these are some good adjective for the champion. But that’s not everything to describe the hero of the Piglins:

• Scars: Due to hundreds of battles, the champion has some scars in It´s skin and clothes. These scars only make him more intimidating.

• Belt: As all Piglins, the “Champion Piglin” hates “Wither Skeletons”, in the belt of the champion we can’t only watch gold accessories, we can appreciate a small “Wither Skeleton Skull”, maybe from a child.

• Right arm: In this arm the champion wears It’s most famous achievement, the “Wither Skeleton monster Skull”. Some Piglins think It’s a fake head, but the ones that survived the attack from that monster, decades ago, believe in the champion.

• Left Arm: Given by a really important Piglin, and specially made to be wore by the champion, the left arm “Champion Piglin” is protected by a gold armor that also protects It’s chest and back.

• Cape: Made by expert Piglins, the “Champion Piglin” wears a special cape with the Piglin symbol, but due to It’s extreme use, now It is ripped by many points.

Health Points (HP):

The “Champion Piglin” has the second highest hp in the game, (only beaten by Wither boss) with a total of 550 hp.



A champion can’t be a champion if It doesn’t have a way to attack and protect himself. The “Champion Piglin” has It’s own guard to protect an calculate It’s future moves to destroy It’s enemy. It looks and works like a boxer or mma brawler guard.

    Normal Punches:

These are the regular punches that you’ll need to dodge if you don’t want to eat a whole combo of this monster. Sometimes It will attack with the right arm, and sometimes with the left hand.


When the “Champion Piglin” it´s pissed It roars violently and It punches the floor making an expansive wave that push you far from him. This attack start being used when the champion lose 2/5 of It’s hp.


Maybe you’ll thin “well It’s not a threat if I attack him out of It’s reach”. Sorry that’s not going to help you, instead it will make it worse. Once you run too far the “Champion Piglin” will invocate some “Piglins” and “Piglin Brutes”. So if before you think this is an easy monster, prepare some “Iron golems” and maybe a Spawn Anchor to help you.


If you can manage to defeat the “Champion Piglin” you’ll get some cool drops:

• Gold Ingots: there are probabilities of getting some gold ingots

• Gold Blocks: there are probabilities of getting some gold blocks

• Netherite tools and armor: there are probabilities of getting some Netherite equipment, weapons and tools.

• Wither Skeleton Skulls: there are probabilities of getting some Wither Skeleton Skulls

• 80 experience points

Piglin Stadium:

This is the place where the fight with the “Champion Piglin” happens. Good luck, you’ll need it. It can be appreciated the Piglin symbol made with gold blocks.

Note: Sounds are from





Download the file of mediafire and click it

creator: JABU


Topic starter Posted : 21/08/2020 9:10 pm