Pimp My House | Auto Build & Custom Blocks
Let me introduce you Pimp My House.. This is an Addon that can be used to help new Minecrafters or lazy kids players to build their houses. No need to Spend a lot of your time in the game because with this addon, you can build your own House with Common Materials.
I will just make this quick because you can learn how to use the addon by watching the YouTube video below.
As you can see in the video.. In this version, only 3 type of house and 4 Variant colors of each of them is available for you.
Each Room in the house is customizable. You can choose which type of block you want to use as the Floors and Walls of your house.
And also this addon adds more than 200+ Custom Blocks into the game.
but only available in creative mode in this version.
Planning :
- Add more Types of house
- Add more variant colors for the houses
- Add more Custom Blocks

- Add more than 100 Custom blocks, can be found in Construction Category
- 90 degrees Auto Build Available

creator: https://twitter.com/yeskyadrianes