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MCPE/Bedrock Pink Dolphin Add-on

Illustrious Member Admin

Pink Dolphin Add-on

This Add-on adds Pink Dolphins in your game! With these new Dolphins the ocean of Minecraft will become even more realistic and fun. Dive into your Minecraft’s ocean and swim with these beautiful animals. You will find these Pink Dolphins in any Minecraft ocean, except the frozen ocean!

Creator: Team Infinite Minds (Twitter Account), Jean Lucas (Twitter Account)

How does it work?

The Pink Dolphin behaves like the standard Dolphin. This Add-on was made just to not have a single dolphin color in the oceans of the Minecraft.

Pink Dolphins can lead you to shipwrecks and underwater ruins, feed them cod and follow their trail!


  • Spawns naturally in ocean biomes
  • Health: 10
  • Attack: 3
  • Aggressive when attacked
  • Drops: Up to 1 cod


Click on "Download Add-on", and check the captcha box "I'm not a robot". Roll the screen down, and click on the "Click here to continue". After that, wait 15 seconds and roll the screen down again. Now click on "Get Link". Then just click the download button!

To activate in the world just activate the resource, which the behavior will be installed together. Or activate behavior, that the resource will also be installed together!

Enable experimental gameplay in the world options for Add-on to work!


Supported Minecraft versions

1.8 - 1.9 - 1.10 - 1.11 - 1.12 - 1.13

Topic starter Posted : 15/08/2019 10:31 am