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MCPE/Bedrock Plants vs Zombies Addon v9.0 Veteran Update

Illustrious Member Admin

Plants vs Zombies Addon v9.0 Veteran Update


Do you like playing “Plants vs. Zombies”? If you are a loyal player of “Minecraft” and “Plants vs. Zombies”, you can try to experience this addon. Have a good time!


Now, pvz addon v8.5 is the better update

About all of the plants have their Animations


1.Lava Guava

If the zombie gets close to the lava guava, it will explode

2.Wasabi wilp

Wasabi can attack zombies and leave a withering effect, causing extremely high damage.

Sometimes he turns around his wilp

3.pea shooter

Pea shooter can attack zombies with peas

4.Ice pea shooter

Ice pea can slow down the zombies

5.Fire pea shooter


Fire pea shooter can shoot fire pea to hit zombies

6.Cherry bomb

It is a bomb, it can boom!

Please plant it near zombies!

8.Potato mines

Potato mines can kill zombies close to it


9.Watermelon pitchers

Melon pitchers can launch watermelon to attack zombies

10.Chinese cabbage(Bonk Choy)

It can attack zombies close to it

11.Electric pea 

Electric pea can launch ball lightning to attack zombies



Cactus can shoot thorns (peas) to attack zombies, the attack speed is relatively fast


He is suitable for attacking hordes of zombies

14.Puff shroom

It is very very very cute!


it can shoot spore to hit zombies

It only 3 health


It can shoot make smoke  to attck zombies

16.Goo pea 

It can shoot goopeas to attck zombies


zombies will be poisoned

And it looks funny


Cattail can attack zombies in water

WARNING:Don’t plant too many cattails, it will make your phone bad! Don’t try!


It can Spawn vex , if zombies close to it, it will boom!

19.Doom shroom

It can make a big hole!


Don’t plant it near your house!

20.Wall nut

It is a great ”wall”

plants aways can’t hit it

21.Coconut Cannon

Put the tag on the ground and it can attack tag





It can shoot boomerang to attack zombies

23.Double pea

It can shoot two peas a time



It can spawn sun

(The sun hasn’t worked yet)


Maybe she is the strongest melee plant of the addon

She can attack many zombies once

26.Ultimate plant–Ultomato

He is the strongest plant in PVZ2 and this addon


1.Basic Zombie


 Basic zombie doesn’t like the word ”basic”

He has 20 health,and he is slow

2.Barricade Zombie

  He always put a barricade on head

He has 30 health, he is not strong

3.Barrel Zombie

   He was a painter


He has 35 health, he’s not very hard

4.Brick Zombie

   He is wearing a brick

He has 45 health, potato and guava can’t kill him

5.Football zombie

He is fast, be careful!

6.mummy zombie

He is basic zombie, but in the desert


7.Barricade mummy

He thinks he is clever, he wears a ‘hat’

8.Barrel mummy

The Barrel zombies in the desert

9.Pyramid mummy

His head likes a stone! ohno, that is just a stone! tooo hard


10.Pharaoh zombie

His coffin is himself!(Excuse)

11.Egypt Gargantuar

I turned him small, sorry

 12.Egypt flag(in the left of the photo)

He runs quickly

 13.Torchinglight Zombie(on the right of flag)

Be careful! he runs very quickly and He can kill any plants instantly

14.Torch zombie(in the third of the photo)

He can kill any plants instantly but runs not very fast

15.Egypt Rally zombie(in the left)


He likes has no newspapers newspaper zombie

16.Dr. Zomboss Egypt


Zomboss has lots of health, you can’t kill him quickly

He can shoot chaos-ball, it can make a lot of mobs poisoned and die!

17.Sunday zombie

He is old, but he is very strong! No plant can beat him!

Chiese player called him ”大爷”

means ”your strongest uncle”



”A good sword remains always sharp”

18.Dino bully vetera

Chinese player often call him ”三爷”

means ”your third uncle”

You can get plants and zombies from your inventory and please don’t lower the score maliciously

Have a good time!  😀 



1.Add pokra

2.Add ulomato

3.Add sumday zombie

4.Add dino bully veteran

5.Fix bugs

6.Add about all plants Animations




1.This addon only supports 1.16

2. Please open the experimental gameplay 


5.I am busy, and I study hard, I don't have much time to make addons


6.Please Please turn off "Biodestruction"




Topic starter Posted : 20/11/2020 9:52 pm