Pokemetels Fantasy [Compatibility Update]
This addon is based in a world of fantasy that consists and will consist of simplistic to complex magic systems, fully original ideas, itl have witchery, infusion, alchemy, many different types of magic and steampunk and a ton more!
Big thanks to the addon creator pixeleddoki for helping me when I first started making this addon
Your all awesome! Thanks for trying out and playing my fantasy/fairy tale world!
This addon is also fully compatible with my harry potter addon!

You can start magic by shearing most types of leaves then crafting it with a carver to get the stick variant of said leaves, you can then carve the stick into a wand, to began casing magic, you must go around and kill mobs to obtain different spell books, for basic wizardry there is a total of 30 different spells which range from common to legendary, for your first spell you can craft the only common spell, mythic dart with a book and mythic dust.
To make mythic dust you must find mythic flowers and put them in your crafting table or in your inventory to get pedals, you then must make a mortar and pestle, you click the mortar with the pedals to grind them into dust
The basic spells are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what's planned to be added, they range from utility, support, offense and defense, perfect mix and amazing in pvp
there's natural flora such as 3d mushrooms, moss, orange/red grass, new trees, sticks, stones and more!
You can combine amethyst and quartz to your wand with copper wire, amethyst will give a small resistance boost and quartz will give a small regen boost
there's a ton planned with the addon only being around 15-20% done!

Certain spells such as black hole and ice golem will tag you and any player within a 3 block range of you so they wont be affected by the spell
[Menu Core Mechanic]
Your first hotbar slot will be replaced with an item called menu, when used itl go through all the powers you have or havint obtained, the only powers/abilitys that it rotates through is z-powers, when you obtain a power/ability and you select it using the menu 2 arrows will pop up in your last 2 hotbar slots which you use those to rotate between the different attacks and such of that power, the last 2 slots are always blocked off to avoid accidental item deletion


In order to summon the genie you must first find a cleric villager get him to max level then he will trade you the lamp for 2 nether stars
Once you have the lamp you then can rub it "use it" to summon the genie which you can then ask for 3 wishes you can set the lamp down you trade your wish items for the trades that the lamp has
Once you ask for all 3 wishes you can craft a wish with the lamp then interact with the genie while holding it to set him free he will have an appearance change if you do so and wont despawn
[Cosmic Genie Boss]

To summon him you have to max out a cleric villager and he will have the black lamp as a trade for 1 nether star use it to summon,
He shoots big red orbs and gives wither within a 4 block radius and hovers
Health: 3000
Loot: cosmic genie staff, nether star and empty black lamp as a trophy along with 800 xp
[Ruin Wizard Tower]

Custom Spell Crafting

Custom spell crafting involves crafting spell aspects and combining them to make your own custom spell
There is a total of 256 possible combinations
To start you have to have 100 spell research in order to equip spell aspects to spell slots, once you have 100 research you have to make the custom spell crafting table

Then in a regular crafting table you have to make the custom spell wand, once you have made these you can go into the table and start making aspects
To equip an aspect to a spell slot you simply select the slot you want then you use the aspect, you can only have a max of 5 aspects per spell slot
Each element has it's own effect or ability like frost will give slowness and beam will create a beam
To reset a spell slot you have to make the reset aspect in the custom spell crafting table
Bountys can be set on players by trading with the bounty board for bounty pages, where a player dies with a bounty a bounty scroll will spawn where they died no matter how they died, you can set 10, 50 and 108 gold bountys and only 1 of each type can be set on a player at once, you can use a nail to nail bountys up, theres also a bounty box which is used to mass store bountys for towns and such

Becoming a bounty hunter:
To become a bounty hunter you have to find a bounty leader which will randomly spawn in forests, when you interact with him while holding 40 or more gold hel take the 40 gold and give you your bounty license, after a certain amount of bountys are obtained you can use the license to obtain your reward which will be bounty hunter armor theres basic, medium, high and max teir armor
Basic - 10 gold bounty: 10, 50 gold bounty: 3, 108 gold bounty: 1
Medium - 10 gold bounty: 20, 50 gold bounty: 10, 108 gold bounty: 5
High - 10 gold bounty: 30, 50 gold bounty: 15, 108 gold bounty: 10
Max - 10 gold bounty: 50, 50 gold bounty: 30, 108 gold bounty: 20
Guns such as the flintlock, musket and musketoon will be added in the future
Satchels and pouches and all leather based items in the addon can be made at the tanning rack, satchels and puches work the same as bundles
Bag pouch holds 5 diffrent typed of items, the pouch holds around 15, satchel holds 25 and the big satchel holds around 36

There isn't much to do in alchemy at the moment but there are a handful of ingredients and plants that generate in forests which can be eaten and researched, certain ingredients may require specific variables in order to be fully researched, thel give different affects and cause different things to happen to you, in order to take research on ingredients you have to craft an alchemy journal using a book and quill with a glass bottle, when you eat a new ingredient or discover something new about already researched ones itl get added to the journal, this is about all you can do in alchemy at the moment, part 2 of this update will fully add alchemy and its branches

Z-Serum activates a persons special ability's/powers, everyone has a set abilitys from 1-3 differnt abilitys, these cant be changed, you can activate these speical abilitys by looking for bronze dungeons, within these dungeons there will be a bronze core, when broken will summon the bronze gaurdian, the gaurdian is a boss that shoots a flamethrower and has 2k health, the serum is really rare with a partial serum being a bit more common which activates your abilitys for 30 miniutes
to use the serum you have to craft a syringe and hold it in your main hand with the full serum or partial serum in the off hand, you then use the syringe to fill it, use the filled or partially filled syringe to activate your powers
the powers dont have a cool down and have infinite usage until your serum runs out if you used a partial serum

Ancient artifact burials can be found deep underground below y-0 they can contain ancient artifacts such as the master wand, invisibility cloak and others
Custom Spell Crafting Vid:
Changed the arrows mechanic for the last time
Arrow mechanic is now swift, instant and perfect
fixed invisibility
made this addon and my harry potter addon fully compatible
fixed some block drops like ores and bronze guardian spawn block
fixed z powers
All experimental options must be on and education edition has to be on
creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFKhmCVL5pAfCopEawp4Sog