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Potions + Addon
This add-on for Minecraft adds new potions and recipes that are not originally available in Minecraft vanilla. It also adds a new experience to a survival game, enjoy the addon
How to use:first, you need activate the addon in world options, and put the behavior, and just need play the game
You can write in the chat: /give @s potion:(potion effect) to take an potion
And what’s the new options?
this add-on adds new potions:
- Potion of absorption
- Gives absorption for 1:30 minutes
- Potion of blindness
- Gives blindness for 1:30 minutes
- Potion of conduit
- Gives power of conduit for 4:00 minutes
- Potion of dragon
- Gives speed 4, jump boost 4 and slow falling for 4:00
- Potion of fatigue
- Gives fatigue for 4:00 minutes
- Potion of haste
- Gives haste for 4:00 minutes
- Potion of health boost
- Gives health boost for 4:00 minutes
- Potion of Levitation
- Gives levitation for 1:30 minutes
- Potion of nausea
- Gives nausea for 4:00 minutes
- Potion of saturation
- Gives saturation for 1:30
So, how that’s you make the new potions?
With the new system to craft, in the brewing stand you need put a awakend
Potion an the next materials:
- Absorption
- Blindness
- Conduit power
- Dragon
- Fatigue
- Health boost
- Levitation
- Health boost
- Nausea
- Wither (extra)
- Screenshots in the game
Future changes:
- Add new potions
- Add boosters for the potions
- Update the information of the addon
- Correct some errors from the addon
Topic starter Posted : 01/10/2019 4:32 pm