Power Effect Ores V2 RB
This is a Second version of the Power Effect Ores RB. This addon adds new ores that give effects to the player to progress more easily in the game, adds, new swords and armor and essences that give effects to the player.
Here is a description of everything that addon provides.
Ores ↓
Peridot,,Topaz,Aquamarine,Turmaline,Garnet And Crystal
•Ore spawning sites
Peridot: 0,15y
Topaz: 0,12y
Aquamarine: o,12y
Tormaline: 0,12y
Garnet: 0,11y
Crystal: 0,11y
•Armors And Swords
all the ores above have armor and swords ↑
•Swords Damage:
Peridot: 8.0
Topaz: 12.0
Turmaline: 13,0
Garnet: 12,0
Crystal: 15,0
• Armors follow the same pattern of protection as swords the more damage the sword the greater the armor protection
•Essences + Crafts Essences
essences are items that serve to make the helmet of each new ore. because only the helmet produces the effects.
Jump Boost Essence → Jump Boost
Fire Essence → Fire Resistence
Ocean Essence → Breanding Water
Life Essence → Regeneration
Strength Essence → Strength
Speed Essence → Speed
Essences ↓
•Armor And Swords → Crafts
to make the sword armor just repeat the craft below with the other ores
Helmet: the Helmet is made with essence because it causes the effects on the player.
Texture Credits ↓
!!! If the texture becomes invisible, create another world that will surely work!!!
New Ores Halite And Azurite:
Spawning place:
Halite: 0,12y
Azurite: 0,25y
New Effects
Halite Effect: Levitation
Azurite Effect: Night Vision
All Armors And Swords:
New Essences
Azurite Essence
Halite Essence
creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJbGcsHzz2SyOs75lYYTtWQ?app=desktop
2 new ores were added 2 new armor with effects and new swords.
activate the 3 Resources for Mods before entering the world and also walk around the world to generate ores perfectly.
creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJbGcsHzz2SyOs75lYYTtWQ