Project Menagerie
Hello there,
Have you ever been bored about the minecarft fauna?
This Addon will change that…
Introducing Minecraft Menagerie, an Addon that changes some of the vanilla mobs models, behaviors, and also nem mobs!
List of Resources Tweaks:
PS: If you don’t like the changes of the vanilla texture, you can disable then in the Resource Pack configurations
- Birch Tree/ Birch: color change
- – Chicken
- – Cow/Mooshroom
- – Pig
- – Llama
- – Sheep
- – Squid
- – Skeleton(and variants)
- – Creeper
- – Zombie/Husk: 50/50 spanw chance for zombie versions of Steve and Alex
- – Ender Dragon
List of Behavior changes:
- Spider(neutral): drops string, and are tameble with rottem flesh
- Wolf: spawns during night, and are hostile in low light levels. Drops raw mutton and raw rabbit upon death
- Phantons: increased HP and spawn in 2 nights isted of 3, and should spawn in The End
- Polar Bear: are breedable with fish
- Chicken: drops feathers
- Tamed Cats: drops string, and atack creepers
- Creepers: can see through walls
- Shulker: now drops up to two shulker shell
ps: some of the mods listed and all of the new mobs are stackable, wich means that they beahave similar to blocks and can stack up one another. Coming to other mobs a well.
List of NEW mobs:
- Horned Sheep: based on Minecraft Earth game, is a variante of the Sheep, but is neutral until atacked. Drops horns upon death
- Grizzly Bear: is a bear variant that spawns in Taiga biomes, and are neutral but will atack to protect a cub. Are breedable with honeycomb and drops leather, fish and honeycomb upon death
- Scorpion: is a spider variant that spawms in deserts biomes and are hostile in low light levels. When atacks it aplies an effect of nausea. drops scorpion sting upon death
- Mastodon: is a brand new mob that spawns in snowy biomes and are neutral but will atack to protect a calf. Are breedable with leaves and drops leather, string and tusks upon death. Ah… and you can tame and ride them with leaves.
- They can also break blocks of vegetation that are in their way.
- Duck: based on yhe white headed duck, is a chicke variant that spawns everywhere, but mostly in swamps, are breedable with seeds and bread. drops feathers and raw duck upon death
New Items!
- Ivory: used to make Ivory spear
- Ivory Spear: weapon +7 damage, and apply Jump Boost effect when held
- Sting Staff: weapon +3 damage, apply Jump Boost effect when held and apply poison to monsters nearby
- Duck/Cooked Duck: food (slightly better than chicken) dos not apply any effect
More features to come!
Supported Languages:
- English
- Spanish
- Portuguese(Brasil)
Mastodons now break vegetation blocks
Mastodons are now tamed with leaves isted with golden apples
Removed stackble entities
Fixed Download Of V1.0.2
What's new:
New Mob: Duck
New weapons: Spear and Staff
New Birch Texture
Spanish language support
Added a "Vanilla" subpack in the Resource Pack Configurations
This Addon was only tested on Minecraft 1.16, so it might not work well in previous versions of the game.