Protection Helmet V1.3 (Super Update)
Hello there! And welcome to my second addon.
Are you a cool speedrunner?
Die easily even with strong armor?
Want something that can help you out?
So if it is, you have to a perfect place.
My Protection Helmet Addon!
Made By: NotYetamis
Before we can start, we need to know what is...
What is Protection Helmet?
It is a helmet that doubles out you health bar. It will help you wherever you go so you will not easily die. Easy to craft and cool.
So let us proceed.
To craft you need these (4 Copper Ingot and 1 Iron Ingot)



Fits me XD
(Note: The Front is not Transparent because my skins’ hair is Orange and the Helmet is Orange but the helmet is really orange because it is made out of copper)
Can be good with normal armors:

Can be repaired by Copper Ingots:

(NEW!) Protection Helmet V1.3
So enjoying with double health?
Double-double it this New Update!
Spice it with this new Super Protection Helmet !
But first you need to craft the Super Copper.
Combination of Raw Copper, Raw Copper Ingot, Copper Ingot and Copper Block

After that you need 4 pieces of Super Copper and one Protection Helmet to Craft the Super Protection Helmet!

When worn, it'll give you 4 sets of hearts which is 80 HP!

Note: You can repair it with 1 Super Copper.
Turn on these experimentals to work 🙂

The rules and regulations are in the Addon Files but the main thing is:
Well that’s it for now! The addon is only simple but does not have more use but helps double your health bar. I hope it’s helpful in your Journey!
Well Enjoy the Addon!
What's in V1.3?
- Made the Helmet Texture the same as the helmet color (Orange) and like the copper
- Added Super Protection Helmet
- Added Super Copper Ingot
- Changed the pack icon
Note: If the MCPACK file would not import, you know what to do.
You need to download the ZIP file instead and decompress. Paste the Resource Pack and Behaviour Pack Folder into the game files.
Don’t worry! The Mediafire Link is safe. Just don’t click anything just press the download button of it.
Compatible on 1.17 or 1.18
(Incompatible on 1.16)
For Android/IOS Only!
I think it’ll work on Consoles but i don’t think it’ll work on PC like Windows 10