Proximity Chat Add-on
Tired of chatting with text in minecraft? well now you can use proximity chat in Minecraft Bedrock by simply linking your discord account to your minecraft world, now being able to chat to all your friends via voice instead!
The Proximity Chat Add-on adds the ability to speak to other players in minecraft! if close to the player you will hear them more clearly, being more distant from them you won't hear them as clearly or even at all.
- Getting Started -
1. Have a Discord account
2. have your Email & Password ready to be typed in Minecraft
3. Once all packs provided are downloaded go into Minecraft & turn on "Beta Features" once done, apply the packs & type "!discord link (*Your Password*) (*Your Email*)"

(When not talking with Proximity Chat)

(When talking with Proximity Chat)
Download RP, then BP, Import, Enjoy!