Quark: Bedrock Edition 0.5.1
Quark is a Minecraft Java Edition mod by Vazkii ( https://quark.vazkii.net ) which adds small little features that just fit perfectly with the base game. My goal is to recreate his entire mod inside of bedrock edition so that mobile and console users can also play with it!
Just as a side note, I'm not done! There be so many more features coming in the future, so just hold tight!
Quark is an addon that is aiming to add onto the base game. Quark has one simple motto: Whatever's added to Quark, should fit into the base game without changing the feel of the game. The name of the mod gets from this emphasis on little, straightforward changes: And like quarks, every individual element is small, however, they work together into a bigger entirety.
The Blocks
The blocks are in the creative inventory. You can find them in their places in the inventory or using by the search, just like any other block.

The Woods
- Bookshelf Variants

- Vertical Planks

- Posts

The Stones
-General Stones


-Decorative Stones

The Compact Blocks




The Miscellaneous


- Glowshroom

- Bamboo Mat

- Framed Glass

The Slabs


Turn On Experiments!

!! Please report bugs or issues to my discord if you find any!! ( https://discord.gg/vj4Ftey )
- Raw Gold, Iron, and Copper Bricks
- Raw Gold, Iron, and Copper Brick Slabs
- Dirt, Blackstone, and Netherrack Brick Slabs
- Updated Glow Shroom Ring Textures
- Updated Glow Shroom Textures
- Calcite, Dripstone, And Tuff Slabs
- Updated Slab Placement
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Slabs Turning Invisible When Being Broken
- Fixed Shale Slabs Not Stacking
- Fixed Polished Jasper Slabs Not Stacking
- Fixed Myalite Pillar Going Invisible When Mining
- Fixed Posts Going Transparent While Breaking
- Fixed Glow Shroom Ring Model
- Fixed Lighting for Glow Shroom and Glow Shroom Ring
- Fixed Smooth Soul Sandstone and Sandstone Slab Textures
Known issues:
- Slow block-breaking
- Can occasionally see through custom block models (Mojang's problem)
- Glow shroom blocks don't work like other mushroom blocks
1. Click the desired download link
2. Press "Free Access with Ads"
3. Choose "I'm Interested" with one of the Ad cards
4. Select visit website and wait 20 to 30 seconds, then go back to Linkvertise and press "I've Already Completed This Step"
5. You should now be on Mediafire, where you will click the "Download" button
6. Go to your downloads folder and open the Quark.mcaddon file (or Quark.mcpack files)
7. Make a world and install the resource and behaviour packs
8. Turn on Experiments: Holiday Creator Features
9. Enjoy!
creator: https://www.twitter.com/RSNightKing1