Raboy's Zombie Apocalypse v1.2.3 | 4 New Turrets and Zombies + More!
Immerse yourself with the most realistic and vanilla-friendly Zombie Apocalypse Add-on for Minecraft Bedrock! This add-on adds a bunch of new mechanics to the vanilla game and an apocalyptic landscape and ambience to truly immerse yourself in a post-apocalyptic environment where tons of zombies roam around the land.

The ultimate zombie survival experience for Minecraft Bedrock and MCPE players! Dive into a world overrun by the undead, and put your survival skills to the test in this immersive, intense, and thrilling zombie apocalypse!
⚠️WARNING! Be sure to enable the following experiment toggles, or this add-on won't work.

Raboy's Zombie Apocalypse adds the following unique features to the game:
Post-apocalyptic Ambience
- Less vegetation: dead trees are everywhere and no grass
- New subtle fog setting for an apocalyptic atmosphere

(The image above is how the environment looks when RTX is enabled)

- Rare zombies will have a higher chance spawning when the moon is full
- Zombie horde size and spawn rate is low on easy difficulty
- Zombie horde size and spawn rate is normal on normal difficulty
- Zombie horde size and spawn rate is high on hard difficulty
- Huge zombie hordes and fast spawn rate when the moon is full
- Increased rare zombie spawn rate when the moon is full
- Zombies mutate starting at day 60
- Illagers now spawn naturally within a villager along with iron golems
- Animals are now only found in villages
- All neutral and friendly mobs (except for animals) now don't take damage from turrets
- Turrets and the turret base are now available for trading from the weaponsmith villager and only available on max level
- Price for turrets and turret base can be discounted when a cured zombie villager becomes a weaponsmith or is already a weaponsmith
Iron Golem:
- Can be given tnt that will enable it to explode upon death
- Immune to explosions
- Iron golem and its variants will now avoid attacking zombie villagers and illagers with the weakness status effect but will still attack them if they were already targeted without the weakness effect first
- Illagers now attack zombies and vice versa
- Illagers are now friendly towards villagers
- Illagers are now neutral towards players
- Illagers are now friendly towards iron golems and vice versa
- Illagers now stay in a village when there is at least a villager in it to activate the village
- Illagers now drink potions depending on certain conditions
- Illagers now temporarily withdraw from battle when they lost enough health and replenish by drinking a health potion
- Illagers can now mingle with one another and villagers around the village bell during the day
- Illagers will now avoid attacking zombie villagers and Illagers with the weakness status effect but will still attack them if they were already targeted without the weakness effect first
- Vindicator now has a 30% chance of spawming with a diamond axe
- Illager captain vindicator now has a 70% chance of spawning with a diamond axe
- Pillager now switch to melee mode with an iron sword when cornered or outnumbered
- Pillager now has a 30% chance of spawning with a diamond sword as a secondary melee weapon
- Illager captain pillager now has a 70% chance of spawning with a diamond sword as a secondary melee weapon
- Tower guard pillagers now have significantly longer range (48 blocks) than settler pillagers
- Evoker now heals the ravager and iron golem and its variant when it reaches a low health threshold, and it will also heal them to max health when it doesn't have a target
- Ravagers are now friendly towards iron golems and players and vice versa
- Doesn't break blocks around it anymore
- Ravagers now enter a rampage by constantly roaring when they are very low on health
Wandering Trader:
- Now fights zombies by throwing potions at them like the witch
- Now drinks potions depending on certain conditions
- significantly improved trades
- Villagers now drink potions depending on various conditions
- Adult villagers now fight zombies by throwing different potions at them
- Villagers now heal the ravager and iron golem and its variant when it reaches a low health threshold by throwing a splash potion of regeneration at them
- Villagers will now throw potions of weakness at zombie villagers and Illagers that don't have the weakness status effect
- Villagers will now avoid attacking zombie villagers and Illagers with the weakness status effect but will still attack them if they were already targeted without the weakness effect first
- Wolf now automatically attacks zombies when tamed

- Spawns both during day time and night time and only on the surface
- 15 hitpoints
- 3 attack damage
- Spots targets from 24 blocks away
- Has a 3% chance of becoming a runner zombie on easy difficulty when not on a full moon, and 5% chance on a full moon
- Has a 15% chance of becoming a runner zombie on normal difficulty when not on a full moon, and 25% chance on a full moon
- Has a 25% chance of becoming a runner zombie on hard difficulty when not on a full moon, and 50% chance on a full moon
- Alerts all zombie types when a target is acquired
- Passive to turrets

- Raboy13's cameo and patron zombified skins (all of Raboy13's patrons will have the option if they want a cameo of their skin in the addon as a zombie)
- Spawns both during day time and night time and only on the surface
- 15 hitpoints
- 3 attack damage
- can pick up items on the ground
- Spots targets from 24 blocks away
- Alerts all zombie types when a target is acquired
- Passive to turrets

- Spawns very rarely both day time and night time, but more often during full moon and when the player doesn't sleep enough. Can only spawn on the surface
- Doesn't spawn in easy difficulty
- 25 hitpoints
- 3 attack damage
- The fastest zombie in the addon
- Can climb walls
- Immune to fall damage
- Smarter than walker zombie (avoids lava)
- Breaks blocks above it when climbing and trying to reach targets
- Can spot targets from up to 64 blocks away
- Alerts other ferals when the target acquired is a turret
- Alerts all zombie types when the target is acquired is not a turret

- Spawns only underground
- 30 hitpoints
- 4 attack damage
- smarter than walker zombie (avoids lava)
- Spots targets from 24 blocks away
- Alerts all zombie types when a target is acquired
- Passive to turrets

- 10 hitpoints
- Spits acid at its targets that periodically damages them and causes nausea
- Spots targets from 24 blocks away
- Alerts all zombie types when a target is acquired
- Attacks turrets

- Large in size
- 100 hitpoints
- 8 attack damage
- strengthens zombies nearby
- mutates unmutated zombies if unmutated if itself is mutated

- 15 hitpoints
- Summons zombies
- 3 attack damage
- Spots targets from 24 blocks away
- Alerts all zombie types when a target is acquired
- Passive to turrets
- Can be cured the same way as a zombie villager

- 15 hitpoints
- 3 attack damage
- Spots targets from 24 blocks away
- Alerts all zombie types when a target is acquired
- Passive to turrets
- Can be cured the same way as a zombie villager
- Has a 70% chance of having a diamond sword as a secondary weapon when cured

- 15 hitpoints
- same damage as a vindicator
- Spots targets from 24 blocks away
- Alerts all zombie types when a target is acquired
- Passive to turrets
- Can be cured the same way as a zombie villager
- Transferred every hostile mob drops in the overworld to walker zombies except for the phantom and witch
- Has the same drops as the witch
- Gold Nugget
- Coal
- Taw Copper
- Raw Iron
- Iron Pickaxe
Zombie Evoker
- same drops as the evoker but with added rotten flesh
Zombie Pillager
- same drops as the pillager but with added rotten flesh
Zombie Vindicator
- only rotten flesh

- New iron golem variant when a regular iron golem is given a tnt
- Can be upgraded to 3 levels using tnt, the level indicator can be found in its chest
- Level 1 Charged Iron Golem has 200 hit points
- Level 2 Charged Iron Golem has 400 hit points
- Level 3 Charged Iron Golem has 800 hit points
- Unique refined texture (no vines)
- Can be given an enchanted golden apple to turn it into a supercharged iron golem
- Has an explosion power of 4
- Immune to explosions

- The most powerful version of the iron golem
- 1200 hit points
- New smash attack to damage multiple targets at once
- Has an explosion power of 4
- Immune to explosions

- Small houses found commonly on wooded areas
- Only spawn on wooded areas
- Has good loot
- Be careful, there are zombies inside them

- A large, protected village that is 105 by 102 blocks in size where villagers and illagers coexist
- Surrounded by a wall with 8 towers and a bunch of arrow turrets
- Has large amounts of loot

- Shoots fast arrows up to 48 blocks away and can be repaired using iron ingot or string
- Only targets walkers, miners, and ferals
- Configurable settings to prioritize enemy types.
- Has 200 health points
- Only works when placed on a turret base
Final Product:
- 3 iron ingots
- 1 observer
- 1 crossbow
- 1 sticky piston

- Burns every target within a 32-block radius
- Only targets walkers, miners, and ferals that are outside a village and at least 8 blocks away from the turret, doesn't target zombies that are already on fire
- Has 200 health points
- Immune to fire damage
- Starts to overheat within 20 seconds after acquiring a target
- Has a 15-second cooldown when overheated
- Configurable settings to prioritize enemy types.
- Only works when placed on a turret base
Pre-requisite Item:
- 2 iron ingots
- 1 blaze powder
- 1 lava bucket
- 1 observer
- 1 iron block
- 1 sticky piston
Final Product:
- 2 iron ingots
- 1 pyro charger machine
- 1 dispenser
- 1 iron block

- Fires a sonic charge every 2.5 blocks up to 48 blocks away
- Sonic charge does 8 damage within a 6-block radius every tick
- Configurable settings to prioritize enemy types.
- Has 200 health points
- Only works when placed on a turret base
Pre-requisite Item:
- 2 iron ingots
- 1 hopper
- 1 trapped chest
- 1 sculk
shriekercatalyst - 1 iron block
- 1 sticky piston
Final Product:
- 3 bone blocks
- 1 sonic compressor
- 1 observer
- 1 dispenser

- Monitors a 32-block radius for damaged entities, including turrets, drones, and player gear.
- Initiates automatic repairs on detected damage, prioritizing critical systems.
- Has 200 health points
- Only works when placed on a turret base
Pre-requisite Items:
- Emerald Rod
- 3 emeralds
- Emerald Controller
- 1 emerald rod
- 2 iron blocks
- 6 iron ingots
- Energy Director
- 1 nether star
- 8 lime stained glass
Final Product:
- 1 energy director
- 1 emerald controller

- A versatile turret system that converts unwanted items into useful resources.
- Continuously scans the surrounding area for items to process within its pulse radius.
- Generates resource pulses that convert collected items into predefined resources.
- Weakens zombies and strengthens players within the pulse radius for a few seconds
- Has 200 health points
- Only works when placed on a turret base
Final Product:
- 4 dispensers
- 4 blaze rods
- 1 beacon

- Strikes enemies with chain lightning attacks.
- Lightning can chain to nearby enemies within a certain radius.
- Configurable settings to prioritize enemy types.
- Has 200 health points
- Effective Range: 32 blocks
- Damage: 10 per lightning strike
- Chain Lightning Radius: 5 blocks
- Cooldown Time: 7 seconds
- Only works when placed on a turret base
Pre-requisite items:
- Electron Channeler
- 1 redstone block
- 7 chains
- 2 iron ingots
- Electron Reactor Core
- 4 prismarine crystals
- 2 amethyst shards
- 1 lightning rod
- 2 pistons
- Activate the Electron Reactor Core by placing it on the ground and place a lightning rod above it and wait for a thunderstorm and a lightning to strike the lightning rod, or throw a trident with a channeling enchantment to manually spawn the lightning on the lightning rod.
- Electron Magnifier
- 1 active electron reactor core
- 6 sticky pistons
- 2 iron blocks
Final Product:
- 1 electron magnifier
- 1 electron channeler

- Fires wither skulls that inflict damage and apply wither effects to zombies.
- Configurable targeting options to prioritize specific zombie types or threat levels.
- Configurable settings to prioritize enemy types.
- Has 200 health points
- Effective Range: 24 blocks
- Damage: 12 per wither skull
- Wither Effect Duration: 5 seconds
- Cooldown Time: 10 seconds
- Only works when placed on a turret base
Pre-requisite item:
- Wither Core
- 4 redstone repeaters
- 4 restone comparators
- 1 observer
Final Product:
- 1 wither core
- 8 wither skeleton skulls

- Required for all turrets to work
- 3 sticks
- 3 smooth stone slabs

- Crafting ingredient for the storm weaver turret.
- Can be activated by placing it on the ground and place a lightning rod above it and wait for a thunderstorm and a lightning to strike the lightning rod, or throw a trident with a channeling enchantment to manually spawn the lightning on the lightning rod.

- 4 prismarine crystals
- 2 amethyst shards
- 1 lightning rod
- 2 pistons

- Realistic Animations
- Realistic Zombie Death Animations
- Realistic Particles

- Realistic zombie death sounds
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Raboy's Zombie Apocalypse v1.2.3
- existing and new zombie types now have a chance to have a unique mutation on the 60th day. Mutated zombies also drop more XP than regular ones and have a distinguishable red glowing eyes!
- ferals now don't break blocks
- reduced feral detection range from 128 blocks to 96 blocks
- improved feral behavior: ferals now doesn't switch between turrets and other attackables (players, villagers and illagers) as targets every tick.
- other zombies now doesn't alert the feral when they acquire a target
- after 30 minecraft days, miner zombies will now have a chance to become a TNT throwing miner and will throw TNT at targets
- when not on a full moon, the walker zombie now has a 10% chance of becoming a mutated walker which has more health, moves faster, and slightly has more damage on easy difficulty, 20% on normal, and 40% on hard difficulty. When on a full moon, it has a 25% chance to mutate on easy difficulty, 40% on normal, and 60% chance on hard difficulty on spawn
- when not on a full moon, the miner zombie now has a 3% chance of becoming a mutated miner which is a TNT throwing miner, has more health and moves faster on easy difficulty, 8% on normal, and 12% on hard difficulty. When on a full moon, it has an 8% chance to mutate on easy difficulty, 16% chance on normal, and 30% on hard on spawn
- when not on a full moon, the feral zombie now has a 10% chance of becoming a mutated feral which has the ability to leap really high, more health, slightly has more damage, and a chance to headbutt its target on easy difficulty, 20% on normal, and 40% on hard difficulty. When on a full moon, it has a 25% chance to mutate on easy difficulty, 40% on normal, and 60% chance on hard difficulty on spawn
- NEW ZOMBIE: The Spitter
- a tall, slender, low health and ranged zombie that spits balls of acid that explode on impact and leaves an area of effect that damages and poisons nearby entities for 10 seconds
- starts spawning on day 15
- minimum firing range is 8 blocks, if its target is less than that, it will move away first before shooting
- targets: players, villagers, illagers, golems and turrets - turrets are the least prioritized targets
- acid projectiles that directly hit the player gives them nausea for 3 seconds
- normal spitters have 10 hitpoints, movement speed the same as a normal miner, have a maximum firing range of 12 blocks and their acid puddle effect radius is 3 blocks, damage per tick is 2 and inflicts poison I effect to entities that are not zombies
- mutated spitters have 20 hitpoints, movement speed the same as a mutated walker, have a maximum firing range of 24 blocks and their acid puddle effect radius is 5 blocks, damage per tick is 4 and inflicts poison II effect to entities that are not zombies
- NEW ZOMBIE: The Alpha
- a giant zombie that applies buff to nearby zombies, but not its own kind. Actively avoids players until it reaches half of its health
- starts spawning on Day 70
- Attack Type: Melee
- Mutation:
- Normal:
- HP: 100
- Speed: 0.25
- Damage: 8
- Zombie Buff Application Radius: 8 blocks
- Zombie Buffs:
- Resistance 1 - Duration: 1 minute
- Regeneration 1 - Duration: 1 minute
- Strength 1 - Duration: 1 minute
- Mutated:
- HP: 160
- Speed: 0.25 multiplied by 1.7 when it has a target (70% faster)
- Damage: 12
- Zombie Buff Application Radius: 8 blocks
- Zombie Buffs:
- Resistance 2 - Duration: 2 minutes
- Regeneration 2 - Duration: 2 minutes
- Strength 1 - Duration: 2 minutes
- Mutates zombies within its radius except its own kind
- Drops: Drops a golden apple and a chance to drop a notch
- Turrets are now configurable to what zombie type they should prioritize targeting!
- Right click on the turret that you want to configure and select the zombie types and mutant priority to your liking
- Turret Priorities:
- Don't Prioritize Mutants: Will target a zombie that is nearest to the turret within its detection range
- Prioritize Mutants: Will target the nearest mutated zombie within its detection range - will still target unmutated zombies if there are not any mutated ones inside its detection range
- All Zombies: Targets any zombie that is nearest to the turret within the turret's detection range
- Walkers: Only targets walkers
- Miners: Only targets miners
- Ferals: Only targets ferals
- NEW TURRET: The Storm Weaver
- fires a bolt of lightning that bounces off zombies!
- Rate of fire: 10 seconds
- Detection range: is 24 blocks
- Firing range: 24 blocks
- Hitpoints: 200
- Configurable
- NEW TURRET: The Pulsar System
- a turret that emits a strong radial pulse that gradually increases in size which converts items on the ground to either charcoal or XP orbs, the pulse also temporarily slows down zombies for 5 seconds and gives players the following buffs for 10 seconds: haste, regeneration, and strength
- Rate of fire: 10 seconds
- Firing range: 48 blocks
- Hitpoints: 200
- converts items within the pulse radius except for all netherite items and the following rare items: Totem of Undying, Golden Apple, Golden Carrot, Enchanted Apple, Nether Star and the Beacon.
- Strengthens players and weakens zombies within the pulse radius for a few seconds.
- Configurable
- NEW TURRET: The Witherator
- Fires 8 homing wither skulls that target nearby zombies.
- Rate of Fire: 5 seconds
- Detection Range: 48 blocks
- Firing Range: 96 blocks
- Hitpoints: 200
- Chance to fire a Dangerous Skull: 28%
- Normal Skull Explosion Radius: 2
- Normal Skull Damage: 6
- Normal Skull Wither Effect Duration: 3 seconds
- Normal Skull Wither Effect Amplifier: 1
- Dangerous Skull Explosion Radius: 4
- Dangerous Skull Damage: 9
- Dangerous Skull Wither Effect Duration: 4 seconds
- Dangerous Skull Wither Effect Amplifier: 2
- Configurable
- NEW TURRET: The Repair Array
- repairs nearby turrets, damaged player equipment and drones. Can also repair turrets of the same type but not itself.
- Rate of Fire: 2 seconds
- Detection Range: 32 blocks
- Firing Range: 32 blocks
- Hitpoints: 200
- repairs up to 5 turrets, drones and players with damaged equipment at the same time
- repair amount for turrets and drones: 4
- repair amount for each piece of damage player equipment: 2
- Other Turret Changes:
- the sonic cannon now fires its sonic blast similar to the warden
- zombies now get pushed back by the sonic blast of the sonic cannon
- reduced sonic cannon firing rate
- slightly reduced sonic cannon damage
- improved pyro charger particle physics
- pyro charger now only burns zombies
- NEW UTILITY ENTITY: The Collector Drone
- an incredibly useful tool for the player when they want to collect items and XP in the area but there are too many zombies
- the drone can collect whether items or XPs within a radius of 64 blocks
- fully configurable by the player by right clicking it
- it also has a remote control that the player can use to whether set between two modes: Collection Mode and Follow Owner
- when first spawning the drone, you have to set it to active first before it can start collecting anything by right clicking and setting the active toggle to on
- in the configuration UI, there are 2 collection modes for the drone: Auto Collect - collects nearby items or XPs until it reaches full capacity, delivers the collected items to the player owner and repeat the same process. Manual Collection - Collects nearby items or XPs until full capacity, delivers the collected items/XPs to the player owner and deactivates, but can be reactivated again
- there is an optional delivery location for items: Player owner or a player-owned hopper
- Health points: 100
- there can only be a maximum of 3 drones for each player to avoid lag
- NEW MECHANIC: Sweep Attack
- any entity that's holding a sword or an axe now have a sweeping attack by default, similar to the java version
- The sweep attack has a cooldown of 1 second
- base damage is 1 if it does not have a sharpness enchantment
- if it has a sharpness enchantment, the damage is based on the enchantment level
- entities will always have a sweep attack damage of 1 regardless if whether their weapon has a sharpness enchantment or not
Loot Drops
- ferals now have a chance to drop a phantom membrane when killed
- added 5 new zombie idle and walk animations that are played randomly
Bug Fixes
- miner zombies now don't overpopulate caves
Step 1: Download the addon
Step 2: Import the BP, RP, and the Structure Pack
Step 3: Create World
Step 4: Enable Experiments (Important!)
Step 5: Play
creator: https://x.com/thatraboy13