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MCPE/Bedrock Rainbow Gems and Gears

Illustrious Member Admin

Rainbow Gems and Gears


Tired of typical minecraft weaponry? Want new swords, battle axes with terrifying damage? New gems, enchanted apples and many more things? Because today, I present you the Rainbow gems gears addon. A magnificent addon that adds 4 new gems, 4 new swords, 4 new battle axes, 4 new enchanted apples with powers special and their respective blocks! It also adds a new ore with a very special function: generate bottles of experience! 


This addon has been completely developed by me, in a span of a month, if you find errors just tell me in the comments ?

▪︎We will start with the swords and battle axes, all swords and battle axes add speed and permanent force below the damage and crafting of each one:

Rainbow Sword and battleaxe:

▪︎100 damage  —- 115 damage


Rainbow Ore:

▪︎Spawn in cape 0-128

▪︎This ore give Rainbow gem:

▪︎Recipe of Rainbow block:

Amethyst Sword and Battleaxe:

▪︎90 damage —- 105 damage



Amethyst Gem Ore:

▪︎this ore spawn in cape 10-128

▪︎Thys ore give Amethyst Gem

▪︎Recipe of Amethyst Block

Zafiro sword and Battleaxe:

▪︎80 damage —- 95 damage 



Zafiro ore:

▪︎This ore spawn in the cape 10-120

This ore give Zafiro ingot

▪︎Recipe of the zafiro block

Ruby sword and battleaxe:

▪︎70 damage —- 85 damage 



Ruby gem ore :

▪︎spawn in cape 20-128

This ore give Ruby gem ore:

▪︎Recipe of the ruby block:

Experience Dust Ore:

This ore give a experience dust

▪︎With experience dust you create a bottle experience:

▪︎Now I will show below all the crafting of the apples of each ore and their respective powers:

The powers:

▪︎Rainbow apple

▪︎Amethyst  apple:

▪︎Zafiro apple:

▪︎Ruby apple

(note) well, basically that would be the whole addon if not because it has … armor! but sadly when using them they bugguer for an error that I don’t know so here I leave you an image of all of them and their crafting in case you want to try them ?

▪︎All recipes of armors:

Well friends, that would be all about beta 2.0 of my addon. I hope I can improve it in the future and leave your comments to continue updating it ^ – ^!!!


▪︎add al information of the damage to the swords and battle axes

▪︎translation of the featured image

▪︎add information video of my YouTube channel 

▪︎nothing more 🙂


  1. More information about the add-on (Spanish)

#1 download this addon

#2 export it to minecraft automatically

#3 enjoy 🙂



Topic starter Posted : 02/06/2020 3:25 pm