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MCPE/Bedrock RalphOfficial’s Server Functions!

Illustrious Member Admin

RalphOfficial’s Server Functions!


Wow I have really been on a grind here. I have released 3 addons in the past 3 days (help me). But that’s not important. What IS Important is the management of your servers/realms! That's right. Ladies and Gentlemen (why do I always say that) I present youRalphOfficial’s Server Functions!


This addon’s sole purpose is to make your servers a little more fun and easy to handle and manage! In case you haven't figured it out already, this addon is actually a function pack! So here are all the functions of this function pack!



1. drowning/enable = Enables drowning damage

2. drowning/disable = Disables Drowning Damage

3. falldamage/enable = Enables Fall Damage

4. falldamage/disable = Disables Fall Damage

5. firedamage/enable = Enables Fire Damage

6. firedamage/disable = Disables Fire Damage

7. gm/s = Sets your own gamemode to Survival

8. gm/c = Sets your own gamemode to Creative

9. gm/a = Sets your own gamemode to Adventure

10. gmAll/s = Sets all players’ gamemode to Survival

11. gmAll/c = Sets all players’ gamemode to Creative

12. gmAll/a = Sets all players’ gamemode to Adventure

13. god/enable = Gives you immense strength and makes you immune to everything

14 god/disable = Resets to default player settings

15. kit/netherite = Equips you with Netherite Armor and gives you Netherite Sword, 4 stacks of arrows, shield,bow, cross bow, 1 stack of golden apples and 4 stacks of oak planks

16. kit/diamond = Equips you with Diamond Armor and gives you Diamond Sword, 4 stacks of arrows, shield,bow, cross bow, 1 stack of golden apples and 4 stacks of oak planks

17. kit/gold = Equips you with Gold Armor and gives you Gold Sword, 4 stacks of arrows, shield,bow, cross bow, 1 stack of golden apples and 4 stacks of oak planks

18. kit/iron = Equips you with Iron Armor and gives you Iron Sword, 4 stacks of arrows, shield,bow, cross bow, 1 stack of golden apples and 4 stacks of oak planks

19. kit/chain = Equips you with Chainmail Armor and gives you Stone Sword, 4 stacks of arrows, shield,bow, cross bow, 1 stack of golden apples and 4 stacks of oak                           planks

20. kit/leather = Equips you with Leather Armor and gives you Wooden Sword, 4 stacks of arrows, shield,bow, cross bow, 1 stack of golden apples and 4 stacks of oak planks

21. pvp/enabled = Turns pvp off

22. pvp/disabled = Turns pvp off

23. vanish/enabled = Makes you invisible to other players and hides your name tag.

24. vanish/disabled = Resets to default player settings

25. fireproof = Makes you immune to fire

26. heal = Makes your healthbar full.

27. healAll = Makes all players’ healthbar full

28. immune = Makes it impossible for you to die 

29. nightvision = Gives you infinite Night Vision with no particles

30. normal = Resets to default player settings

31. saturation = Keeps your hungerbar full

And of course, a group photo 😀

And thats the entire addon! Make sure to add /function before righting these functions!

Anyways, Imma go get some sleep. Till then Stay Home, Stay Safe and Keep that Mask on! Goodbye!


Fixed submission,

Released Server Functions Addon!

Hope you like this addon!



Topic starter Posted : 03/11/2020 4:57 pm