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MCPE/Bedrock REAL WORKING Vanish Addon! (1.12+)

Illustrious Member Admin

REAL WORKING Vanish Addon! (1.12+)

A real working vanish addon! NO FLOATING ITEMS IN THE AIR, NO NOTHING

Enter /function v or /function vanish to enter or leave the vanish mode! 

Game menu changes so you can’t see the player in the menu

+A lot of other features

Vanish Addon

(Addon video and review to the buttom or click here)

We all know that the invisibility effect isn’t good enough for trolling or something like that! So we have vanish now which is much better!

To activate the addon place down a repeating commandblock and enter “/function vanish_addon” exactly like that! Activate Always active! Then go on top of the command and enter “/tickingarea add ~ ~-1 ~ ~ ~-1 ~ Vanish”

New Game menu so players can’t see the playernames in the menu


You can enter the Vanishmode with:

“/function v” or “/function vanish“

You will see that you get a message! It says that you have to take off your armor and enter “/function accept“! You only enter that command one time!

Feature List


  • Completely invisible (No items visible etc.)
  • Look through walls
  • You can see the items in your hand, but not the other players
  • Now you can’t see the playernames in the pausemenu!
  • New Screenshot button in menu (Screenshotfolder: games\com.mojang\Screenshots
  • Hm,,, Where is this feature? Find out!

To leave the vanishmode enter “/function v” or “/function vanish“again!

By the way that my 2nd Addon! xD Have fun!



The behaviorpack has to be the first one in the list!

The resourcepack hasn't to be the first but if there is a resourcepack which is changing the ui texture it has to be the first or the new game menu will not work!



Supported Minecraft versions

1.12 - 1.13 

Topic starter Posted : 09/10/2019 10:12 am