REAL WORKING Vanish Addon! (1.12+) (Big Update)
A real working vanish addon! NO FLOATING ITEMS IN THE AIR, NO NOTHING
Enter/function vor/function vanishto enter or leave the vanish mode!
It willhideyourarmor, youritems your holdingand everything else fromyour body
Vanish Addon
(Addon video and review to the buttom or click here)
We all know that the invisibility effect isn’t good enough for trolling or something like that! So we have vanish now which is much better!
Just join your world with the addon installed and get started!
You can enter the Vanishmode with:
“/function v” or “/function vanish“
You will see that you get a message! It says that this is the original addon because my addons got copied and pasted to a lot other websites. Just enter “/function continue“! You only have to enter that command one time to make sure you downloaded the real one!
As you can see on this picture Im in F5 Mode and wearing a armor and Im holding an item but you can nothing see there. Not like a inv
The YouTube video is about an older version. You dont have to setup anything. Just type /function v or -vanish. See all the changes in
Feature List
- Completely invisible (No items visible etc.)
- Look through walls
- You can see the items in your hand, but not the other players
- Your armor will be hidden too!
- Other players cant hit you when you are in vanishmode
To leave the vanishmode enter “/function v” or “/function vanish“again!
Support me:
- Yes Im testing my addons before I upload them many many times. And I always find a lot bugs. But if you findbugsto come back here andreportthem in the comments so we can have a better experience for you all!
- Also Subscribe to my littleYT channelwould help me a lot to make more addons in the future more popular! (Over 99.8% of my watchers are not subscribed so please subscribe. Every 117 watcher is subscribed. (That are really like almost no people.)
You ARE allowed to:
- Make a review about the addon
- Share it with your friends as long as you use the link to this website link
- Use it on servers and realms
Your NOT allowed to:
- Modify the addon/codes
- Upload the addon on other websites
- Copy my addon
- Spend the addon as your own
- To link the download link (Only the link to this side)
- To do a own download link
Addon review
What is new on the addon?
- Armor support (Armor is hidden too now and you can equip it while using vanish)
- EC Version
- Custom player list gone
- New and better working download links
- You no longer have to setup something
- Way easier to use (User friendly)
- New method (How the addon is working)
- Fixed the weird glitchy screen (which is because of the new mc version)
- A lot, lot Bug fixes (Message me on YouTube or here in the comments!)
- You no longer need a resource pack
The BHP (behaviorpack) has to be the first one in the BHP list!
Creator: CreepycreeperMw