Realistic Explosions (1.18.0)
This add-on is trying to make the explosions in your world more realistic changing the physics of them. Custom blocks are allowed but their will not get textures as "IMPACTED BLOCK"
- Warning -
Once you turn on this addon the explosions in your world will change
-Gametest Framework [TURN ON]
-Holiday Creator Features [Turn on]
-Experimental Molang Features [TURN ON]

An impacted block is the entity that will be thrown once an explosion success. They save the current block states even if it's a custom block
Once an impacted block hits the ground it'll become into its respective block again (With the same block states)

-The explosion needs to cause 2 impacted blocks as minimum to work.
If a block is not allowed (see the black list) the explosion doesn't generate an Impacted block. It'll simply be destroyed as usual (This also applies if the explosion doesn't impact more than 1 block)

-There are Vanilla blocks that aren't allowed in this add-on
BLACK LIST: ["composter", "snow_layer", "crafting_table", "loom", "cactus", "sand", "unpowered_comparator", "end_rod", "lightning_rod", "unpowered_repeater", "powered_comparator", "powered_comparator", "monster_egg", "undyed_shulker_box", "trapped_chest", "tnt", "stonecutter_block", "stonecutter", "soul_campfire", "smoker", "dropper", "dispenser", "skull", "chest", "barrel", "shulker_box", "furnace", "lit_blast_furnace", "lit_smoker", "bed", "blast_furnace", "anvil", "beacon", "bell", "brewing_stand", "camera", "campfire", "ender_chest", "hopper", "jukebox", "redstone_wire", "mob_spawner", "glow_frame", "frame", "netherite_block", "gravel", "cauldron", "scaffolding", "lantern", "soul_lantern", "lectern", "torch", "soul_torch", "sea_pickle", "lever", "cartography_table", "fletching_table", "smithing_table", "tripwire_hook", "wall_banner", "redstone_torch", "standing_banner"]
-Custom blocks are allowed but will not have a texture as an impacted block

-works with any source of explosion even if it is from another addon (Creepers, TNT,TNT MINECART, FIREBALLS, WITHER SKULLS,ETC)
As y'all know there's a lot of blocks in Minecraft that means there's possibility that I've not noticed of any block, if you see any block that have no texture lemme know
This Addon is a gift for@_SASALELE
Now works in 1.18.0 (Official)