Realistic Storage Furnitures
Welcome to the first version of Realistic storage furniture.
Do you feel like your world needs more design and storage at the same time?
Or do you feel like blocks such as the bookshelf should have storage.
Well this addon is for you! Hope you enjoy
These add-on adds craftable furniture storage in your world.
In this first version there is only 5 furniture that is craftable for now.
Cabinet 4 storage
Small Table 2 storage
Bookshelf 1 storage
Brown Box 1 storage
White Storage 1 storage
How can I place these furnitures?
After crafting you can place it like using a spawn egg.
How can I break them?
For now you can use a stick then right click on them to break.
Some furnitures like the cabinet are hard to break go to its side then right click using a stick to break..
Enjoy the addon! 😀
Any feedback will be appreciated!
- Requires Experimental Mode in the world.