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MCPE/Bedrock Realms Safe+

Illustrious Member Admin

Realms Safe+


This addon will protect you, your home and your friends from illicit players (hackers and griefers This addon will protect you, your home and your friends from illicit players (hackers and griefers) 


Safe zone areas

(25×25 ,50×50 ,100×100)


This addon will protect your home and those of your friends with the function FVSF25, FVSF50 or FVSF100 It will protect from griefers by preventing them from placing and removing blocks, avoids all explosions (except creepers) including the wither

Function FVSF

(protect your home or properties) 

This addon comes with 17 different protection functions:


Function FVSF25 :

This feature will protect your home in a radius of 25×25 blocks

This feature only allows you to protect a maximum of 9 individual houses, because there are only 9 tags for each owner

But more zones can be added if the owner is the same 

-FVSF25/0 Protect areas of tag owner0

-FVSF25/1 Protect areas of tag owner1

-FVSF25/2 Protect areas of tag owner2

-FVSF25/3 Protect areas of tag owner3

-FVSF25/4 Protect areas of tag owner4

-FVSF25/5 Protect areas of tag owner5

-FVSF25/6 Protect areas of tag owner6

-FVSF25/7 Protect areas of tag owner7

-FVSF25/8 Protect areas of tag owner8

-FVSF25/9 Protect areas of tag owner9


Function FVSF50:

This feature will protect your home in a radius of 50×50 blocks

(requires space available in tickingarea) 

This feature only allows you to protect a maximum of 4 individual houses, because there are only 4 tags for each owner

But more zones can be added if the owner is the same 

-FVSF25/10 Protect areas of tag owner10

-FVSF25/11 Protect areas of tag owner11

-FVSF25/12 Protect areas of tag owner12

-FVSF25/13 Protect areas of tag owner13


Function FVSF100:

 This feature will protect your home in a radius of 100×100 blocks

(requires space available in tickingarea) 

This feature only allows you to protect a maximum of 4 individual houses, because there are only 4 tags for each owner

But more zones can be added if the owner is the same 

-FVSF25/14 Protect areas of tag owner14

-FVSF25/15 Protect areas of tag owner15

-FVSF25/16 Protect areas of tag owner16

-FVSF25/17 Protect areas of tag owner17


  • Note:For more details, download the tutorial map. And players will still be able to interact/damage mobs, interact with redStone and chests. 



Low Anti-grief System

(The protection range is determined by the function FVSF used) 


TnT detonation prevention 

This feature prevents even outside the protected area from tnt and minecart with tnt


Click here to see the example


Anti wither summon

In addition to protecting you from the tnt will also protect you from the withers who try to summon near your home


Click here to see the example



Multi-Player sleeping system

With the function Multisleep you can sleep even if the other players are not lying down


(this feature does NOT require experimental game mode) 


Click here to see the example

Note:For more details, download the tutorial map


Ban players whit ilegal blocks

With the function BanBlock you will be able to ban players who hold in their hands blocks impossible to obtain in survival! 


But don’t worry, People with the TAG “Admin” or who are in creative mode will not be affected by this function 


The detectable blocks are:


  1. Bedrock 
  2. Command block
  3. Repeating command block
  4. Chain command block
  5. Barrier block
  6. Structure block

And to unban people, you just need to use the following command


/tag remove ban


Click here to see the example


Note:For more details, download the tutorial map

Secret feature 

A secret feature is also added that can be very useful ? 



If you want me to add more blocks or fix any bugs, please let us know


And excuse any writing failure, I’m using a translator ;-;


*more concrete explanations in the post

*demonstrative video 

*Screenshot in HD 



To learn more about how these features are used, please review the tutorial map "safe zone map tutorial" 



Topic starter Posted : 24/06/2020 1:52 pm