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MCPE/Bedrock Remastered Tornado Add-on!

Illustrious Member Admin

Remastered Tornado Add-on!

Have you seen my old Tornado Add-on? You don't like it because it's not destructive and doesn't move often? Well, here is my new Remastered Tornado Add-on! ( May not be compatible for low-end devices. )


Again, the Tornado Stick is still accessible via creative inventory, but it has a companion now! There will now be a stick named "Move Tornado"! (Blaze Rod Texture) ( For Bedrock, use Right Click to move the Tornado, for PE, hold the screen (while holding the item). )

( Road of destruction the Tornado created )

( Tornado found Amethyst Cluster below a mountain )

( Tornado created a huge circle )

( NOTE : The Tornado may circle back to you if you use the "Move Tornado" stick )



Was missing the verification file thing, not updating or anything.


To install, tap the file that you just downloaded ( Remastered Tornado Addon ), if it asks you which one you import / open with, choose Minecraft ( PE / Bedrock ) and play! Remember to turn on Experimental Gameplay Options!

( Creation of Custom Biomes and Caves and Cliffs is unnecessary )


Topic starter Posted : 11/07/2021 11:50 am